You've been modding Oblivion for too long when...

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:08 am

*When you walk outside and admire the LOD, you can see everything waaaaay in the distance.

*When you walk around town wondering how they pulled it off with no FPS issues.

*When you notice that trees are casting shadows so you must have your Tree Canopy Shadows ON........again with no FPS issues. Real life is FPS issues and the best LOD.
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Cedric Pearson
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:48 am

When you have the CS, TES4edit, and OBMM as the only icons in your quick launch bar, and have your desktop set to be the CS wiki.

When you have more harddrive space devoted to extracted BSA files and your own works in progress than you have set aside for other porm.

When the only mods you've downloaded are resources or are of your own creation (for backup purposes).

When you've memorized the names of the last 15 forms loaded by the CS when loading Oblivion.esm AND any of your own mods.

When you consider pathgridding as a theraqeutic act.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:01 am

I think we found the definitive point.

When playing the game MEANS testing your mod by running the game with it.

Therapist: "I'd like the rest of you to welcome Koniption to our circle. She's new here."

The Others: "Welcome Koniption!"

Koniption: "Hi."

Therapist: "Now part of the healing process, as you all know, is to admit to our problems. So as we do every meeting, I want all who are addicted to modding, to say 'Aye'."

The Others: "Aye."

Koniption: "Amen!"


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Emily Rose
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 11:05 pm

When you have the CS, TES4edit, and OBMM as the only icons in your quick launch bar, and have your desktop set to be the CS wiki.

You forgot the "Data" folder link. :D
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Vickey Martinez
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:24 pm

I have every symptom to the highest degree, up to 3-4 am every night(while not in school) thinking of mods plotting out character design(classes), sketching up rough layouts of my mods I have in mind. When in college, the "game" I had to type up ended up being a dream mod I had in my mind going... Wishing you started this years ago and is going to school JUST to do this both as a hobby AND a job.

I can officially say, when I graduate my soul is forfeit.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:21 pm

you realize when youve been modding too long when.....

you stay up late at night unable to think of anything but finishing your mod, like a kid at christmas

EDIT: oh someone else posted this lol
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Meghan Terry
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:19 pm

When you consider pathgridding as a theraqeutic act.

I'm please to know that there are still people more far gone than I am.

On the other hand, it is apparently very important for me to run around my new island for 15 minutes each time I make a small change, "just to make sure all the textures are ok." Never mind that I just did the same thing a few minutes ago, and all I did was move a trigger zone.

...Dude, I made an island. How cool is that?
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Misty lt
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:29 am

You've been modding Oblivion for too long when your username contains the letters WIP.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:14 am

... when only YOU and I understand this syndrome :D
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Devils Cheek
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:48 am

.....When you've been lurking on this thread waiting for some else to say....

....When you have replied in more than one of these type threads over the years.

....When you think in ten years you might actually remake this thread. and someone, possibly myself, replys with "when you have replied to more than a dozen of these type threads over the long years.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:00 pm

When you find yourself working on two different mods at the same time, one on your laptop, one on your desktop...
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Danny Warner
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:10 am

I once had both the Oblivion CS and the Fallout 3 GECK open at the same time. :P
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KU Fint
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:14 pm

You expect the world around you to crash when you are outside and there are alot of people. :P
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:50 am

You expect the world around you to crash when you are outside and there are alot of people. :P

This is actually not unlikely to occur. :nuke:
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Jennifer Munroe
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:52 am

- When you do nothing else while using your computer than:

*Open up Oblivion.
*Close it.
*Edit something in the CS (optional: edit something in NifSkope).
*(Repeat steps 1-3, in an endless loop for about 7-8 hours).

^True story.

When you cry once you realize your entire mod has been wiped out by a hard drive failure. (any self respecting modder would xD )

Me not. Fortunately, I'm a backup maniac-paranoid-compulsive. Needless to say that I did a backup of my personal mod in a pendrive, then changed 8 texture paths in their respective .nif files (less than 5 minutes of work), and did a backup again.

I cannot imagine having peace of mind without backing up my dear hard work ^^.
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Kelly James
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:00 am

You've been modding Oblivion for too long when your username contains the letters WIP.

I've been doing work that could be loosely classified as modding under this name for not quite 15 years now. This explains so much about my life...

- When you do nothing else while using your computer than:

*Open up Oblivion.
*Close it.
*Edit something in the CS (optional: edit something in NifSkope).
*(Repeat steps 1-3, in an endless loop for about 7-8 hours).

^True story.

Thank you for so aptly describing my month.

On a similar note, it would appear that real life's copy of Oblivion has way better snow textures than I do. And they've figured out how to make ridable cars for multiple NPCs.
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Arnold Wet
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:20 pm

You see everything in triangles. (I'm learning Blender right now)
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James Baldwin
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 11:50 pm

You begin to assume contact with extra-dimensional beings a valid means of fishing for mod solutions...

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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:01 pm

When you can't mow the lawn because it hasn't been pathgridded properly yet.
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Skrapp Stephens
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:10 am

...when you get so sick of looking at your own mod in the CS that getting distracted while playtesting turns into your only real playtime.

...when you are trying to figure out during a car ride a viable way to punish your roommate for never putting the seat down, and you have all the necessary refs and scripts worked out in your head by the time you arrive at your destination.

...when you get very drunk, and said roommate records you slurring about how bad you wish you could save text strings to a variable.

...when, like a drug dealer, you start getting your friends into the game to keep you company in your addiction (and playtest all your mods).

...when you don't tell new people what you do for a hobby anymore, because you invariably become excited and rant about it, and they invariably don't care, and nobody gets dates that way.

...likewise, when your family asks what you've been up to, your reply is simply, "Gardening." And you don't garden.'re playing an MMO, and realize you could script a 25-man raid encounter with you and 24 NPCs that would perform better than your raid.'re playing an MMO, and grow to resent the devs because you know how little effort it would take to fix some of those bugs. view other people's mods as modders' resources more than something to be enjoyed in and of themselves.

...half of what's in your load order right now is something you edited, whether you are the original author or not.
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remi lasisi
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:28 am

When you only play other games/watch films/read books to borrow ideas for your mods.

When your desktop has at least 90% of its icons purely related to oblivion modding

when you leave so many wip files (textures models esps etc) on your desktop that you have to "clean" it monthly

when your first 3 most visited web pages are to do with modding. THEN your googlemail account! XD

when you have asked everyone you know at some point to do voice acting for you.
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brian adkins
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:29 am

When you cry once you realize your entire mod has been wiped out by a hard drive failure. (any self respecting modder would xD )

Me not. Fortunately, I'm a backup maniac-paranoid-compulsive. Needless to say that I did a backup of my personal mod in a pendrive, then changed 8 texture paths in their respective .nif files (less than 5 minutes of work), and did a backup again.

... whey you buy a 0.5 Tb drive for just backing up Oblivion and relative files, fill the drive to 2% and freak out the next day and think you should buy another one to backup that backup drive. :rolleyes:
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Zoe Ratcliffe
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:53 am

when you leave so many wip files (textures models esps etc) on your desktop that you have to "clean" it monthly

Monthly? How about weekly!

...when caught player another game, you're often thinking how to implement elements of them into oblivion.
...when you wonder when a CS will be released to be used on your mobile.
...when your monthly quota of CS-use is reached. (:P)
...when your play/mod time ratio is 1/7 or higher.
...when creating a mod, at a moment being determined its finished. Then after 10 minutes finding a way to realize you've just started.
...when you realize you've got 5 backups of all your mods.
...when you realize you've got more unfinished mods in you load list than finished ones.
...when you upload a mod you already had the other day.
...when you start to criticize on a team-member about a certain section of the mod, while you're the one that created it.
...when you accept requests and finish those before the ones that you were working on already. While they would've taken half the time.
...when you read this thread and recognize more than 50% of the symptoms.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:12 am

That gets post of the year. Here's my contribution:

When your son zings you for not trying Doom III like you said you would because you're too busy modding for Oblivion. And the disc is right there. And he beat the game 217 years ago.

...when you get so sick of looking at your own mod in the CS that getting distracted while playtesting turns into your only real playtime.

...when you are trying to figure out during a car ride a viable way to punish your roommate for never putting the seat down, and you have all the necessary refs and scripts worked out in your head by the time you arrive at your destination.

...when you get very drunk, and said roommate records you slurring about how bad you wish you could save text strings to a variable.

...when, like a drug dealer, you start getting your friends into the game to keep you company in your addiction (and playtest all your mods).

...when you don't tell new people what you do for a hobby anymore, because you invariably become excited and rant about it, and they invariably don't care, and nobody gets dates that way.

...likewise, when your family asks what you've been up to, your reply is simply, "Gardening." And you don't garden.'re playing an MMO, and realize you could script a 25-man raid encounter with you and 24 NPCs that would perform better than your raid.'re playing an MMO, and grow to resent the devs because you know how little effort it would take to fix some of those bugs. view other people's mods as modders' resources more than something to be enjoyed in and of themselves.

...half of what's in your load order right now is something you edited, whether you are the original author or not.

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Scotties Hottie
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:55 am

when you are watching TV and you look down to see you have opened the CS and your mod without realising it.

when you've promised to a play someone else's mod....a few months ago....but never 'got around to it'

the only mods you do still download are other's resources

the majority of your posts are in the CS forum

you get more excitement out of making something in the CS then you get when you actually release it
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