You can't please everyone..or is that no one?

Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:32 am

When I started playing Skyrim I was very impressed with everything the game had to offer. I feel like the game is immersive, deep, realistic, and fun. I was stunned when I joined this forum, seeing all the negative posts on the game. It seems that no one is satisfied matter what game it is that comes out, people are always quick to point out flaws and overlook, or minimize, the good points of a game. All the different opinions and suggestions in this forum about how the game should be done, how bad this or that is, if they'd only done it this way..etc..No matter how good a game is there will always be people out there that focus on the negative aspects. Unfortunately, that is how society has become..never satisfied or happy with anything. It's easy for all of us who are not game developers to sit here and talk about what should have been put into a game and so on and so forth, but most of us have no idea exactly what would be involved in adding everything that has been suggested. I for one think the game is great. I like the random dragon encounters. I like the fact that you don't run 2 miles on foot without running into another living thing, like was so in Oblivion. It's all about choices. You don't HAVE to make a demi-god. You can play on master. The game doesn't need to be too easy, or too hard. Adjusting and adapting is part of life. I for one will be playing this game for years to come. Thanks for the great game Bethesda. While it does need some fixes, as with every game these days (broken quests) it's still one of the best games I've ever played on a console. Here's to everyone involved in making this great RPG. Thanks. Here's also to a positive thread on this forum, something that seems few and far between nowadays.
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Ruben Bernal
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