at times I get this message (topic starter) when I want to workshop-craft some stuff. afaik I have all the junk & goodies on me..but why does the game say so ?
at times I get this message (topic starter) when I want to workshop-craft some stuff. afaik I have all the junk & goodies on me..but why does the game say so ?
<did you reach your limit?>
limit to what ?
afaik, there's no limit imposed...and building stuff is licence-free as long as one got the right junk for that
or am I missing something big here ?
<I have only seen a similar message when there were enemies nearby.. Might just be a passing bloodbug! >
ummm..ok. I will give ita try again. I am at red rocket(my home base). and if there was a passing bug , shud have been shot down by my heavy laser fortifications..hmmm.
There is a yellow or white bar far right on the workshop menu.
I have successfully taken it from full yellow to white with some space left by taking out items from workshop, that were multiples (10 or more of the same item)
dropping them on the ground and scrapping them in workshop mode.
You can drop any thing that is six or more in one clump rather than 1,2,3,4,5,6
Yeah each settlement has a limit to the amount of crap you can build. It is the bar on the top right I believe when in building mode. At the start each thing you build fills the bar a little bit and its green until its past halfway full then yellow until you are at your building limit then its red.
There is only so much you can build in a location. There should be a settlement size bar that fills up as you build. If it's full, you can't add any more unless you do some scrapping. Any old tires, cars, fallen trees or whatever you can scrap, scrap it. It will free up space.
Supposedly, you can increase the size limit further by scrapping stuff you bring in. Go out and grab tons of junk, throw it on the ground in the settlement you want to expand, and scrap it all. Not sure if that works, but I hear it does.
There is a limit. Look upper right corner of your workshop mode for settlement size.
Wow...Thx Guyz...100 hrs of playing and still did not see that magic 'bar'.§ion=legends#
I have to wonder if the work around will get patched out. I assume the limit was added for a reason (more for consoles than PC's I'd imagine) and since people just use this trick to bypass it whatever problem they were trying to avoid will start happening. So far I've tried to stay within the limits the game's given me. No mods, no 'tricks'.
I've seen similar done, which makes me wonder why Bethesda thought there should be a limit. They wouldn't have added the limit 'just for kicks'. Curious.
I wonder why that limit is there, frankly. I was shocked at how little you're actually allowed to build at County Crossing and Finch Farm.
By the time you build out your water treatment and defenses, along with housing for 20 people (that's my average), there's no space left for any fences, or crafting stations.
I understand that it's to save space, but, honestly, why so much at Sanctuary and so little at other large places.
The small ones are easy (there's not much to build anyhow and, who would want to send anybody there).
Don't see why they should patch it, first scrapping stuff should reduce item count, secondary its only an safety against lag nothing more, if you exploit around it and get lag don't complain.
Multiple mods removes it too by simply increasing the value so high its not an issue.
The best way to increase your size limit when building is to drop weapons from your inventory. Then pick them up in workbench mode (store in the workbench). The bigger the weapon the better. If you do this too much you will glitch your game out though.