i don't. just because it is a exclusive doesn't mean i will like the game. only game that is coming out sometime in the future is FO4 that i would consider getting a new system for.
i don't. just because it is a exclusive doesn't mean i will like the game. only game that is coming out sometime in the future is FO4 that i would consider getting a new system for.
I hate Sony for making Street Fighter 5 an exclusive, companies shouldn't do this, all gamers should have the same experience.
All I care about is whether I'm interested in a game and whether it is available on PC.
I can understand developing only for a specific platform if you lack the means or the funds to do otherwise, but holding media hostage to force people to buy a specific device to play them on always struck me as a terrible and underhanded business model. We're lucky this is mostly limited to video games.
What I really don't get is people cheering for exclusivity. "Yaaay other people lose out and we gain nothing tangible in the process yaaaay"
Exclusives definitely affect my choice on which platform I choose to initially buy or buy at all. I'm a PC user first and foremost, but I do like to game on consoles, and over the past 15 or so years, the Playstation has been my console of choice, well with the exception of 360 which I bought upon release for Oblivion, and which gave me the three red rings not two months later lol. Consoles aren't cheap, so I say buy the one with the most variety of good quality games.
Haha nicely said!
If Red Dead couldn't make me buy a console, it's safe to say I'll never own one.
No, I play on the PC because I like it more, console exclusives me damned.
As far as game announcements go, I don't care about games that aren't coming to my platform, so in that sense, I do care about exclusives when they're for my platform.
But as far as being a factor when choosing a platform, no, exclusives do not affect me in any way.
No, if there is a thing I hate is a game being exclusive. If it is produced by the console creators, Sony ou Micro, that's ok, I can understand... but picking up a game from Company X and making their games exclusives only for console Y, man, I simply hate it.
Pretty much all of this.
But also this.
Just because something is an exclusive? Doesn't mean I will buy it. But I care about the exclusives that I am interested in....as Freddo said, that helps determine what console to buy.
(Now, in the past, the exclusives I cared about have been on the Playstation. I've owned a 1, 2, and 3. Until this past E3, there weren't any games I cared about on the PS4 yet. But that list has grown, so the odds of me getting a PS4 have increased greatly. Not all of them exclusives, of course. But some of them are. And that's better than XBox, where there's almost never been an exclusive I've cared about.... I only buy one hardware set per gen, so a Playstation has always been it.
I do care about exclusives, and I hope Nintendo keeps theirs forevar!