Do you consider these skills as cheating?

Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:34 pm

One is blacksmith because it' takes maybe 30 mins to lvl up 100. Just buy from 2 riverwood smiths leather,iron every couple days and suddenly you get one of the best armor in game. I don't mind if they made system where you can't gain lvls from iron daggers once you example 30 but I still don't accept fact that you get so good armor with single proffession.

Other is pickpocket because you can get it easy 100 with abuse of saveplay. But let's agree you don't save at all. If you get cought, sometimes guards will all go attack and kill instantly without talking to you even. I just did test, I spent few times in jail, then got cought and bam I'm dead from stealing gold. It's frustrating, maybe I'm not doing it right or npcs are indeed too agressive.
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Angela Woods
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:25 am

No. Play the game how you want to play and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
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Emmi Coolahan
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:19 pm

Not even if you use alchemy/ enchanting in conjunction with smithing to make uber powerful stuff.
Its your game, do as you want :)
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Brittany Abner
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:41 pm

I just don't want to abuse some gameplay problems to get me further or give me upperhand.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:53 am

One is blacksmith because it' takes maybe 30 mins to lvl up 100. Just buy from 2 riverwood smiths leather,iron every couple days and suddenly you get one of the best armor in game. I don't mind if they made system where you can't gain lvls from iron daggers once you example 30 but I still don't accept fact that you get so good armor with single proffession.

Other is pickpocket because you can get it easy 100 with abuse of saveplay. But let's agree you don't save at all. If you get cought, sometimes guards will all go attack and kill instantly without talking to you even. I just did test, I spent few times in jail, then got cought and bam I'm dead from stealing gold. It's frustrating, maybe I'm not doing it right or npcs are indeed too agressive.

many skills and situations can be "exploitable" really, you either have fun exploiting aor you prefer to avoid it, and you can easily do so (avoid it that is),
but yes its true, you can level BS quite easily and fast (tho not in 30 mins O.o ) and have imba armors early on that make the game drasticaly easier, and yeah you can fiddle around with saves so you dont get caught pickpocketing to get it high enough without getting caugh.
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Austin Suggs
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:11 pm

Just ask yourself this. Do you think it's feasible to max Smithing out by grinding a common and cheap resource item like Iron Daggers for the full interim? If so, it's all good... single player game do what you wish, your actions don't hurt my game experience!
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Melung Chan
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:21 pm

No, i have smithing and I'm not making iron daggers or whatnot to level it up. I'm paying a trainer (Eorlund), at higher levels, and crafting stuff for myself and my wife whenever I can.

For the pickpocketing? I don't know if you find it cheating or not, the only time I saw pickpocketing was when my girlfriend did it, and she stole 300+ arrows without fail from the guards xD.

And yeah, it's your game really, you can do what you want. No one will judge you (except steam), if you cheat via. the console or whatnot, so no one really cares.

Edit: Oh and it's funny seeing these smithing threads everywhere, when you can level up alteration from 45 to a 100 in less than 5 minutes. Exploit exploit...
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Isabella X
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:15 pm

I just don't want to abuse some gameplay problems to get me further or give me upperhand.

what people don't understand is that these skills are meant to give good bonuses as an incentive for people to use the skill. If they offered bonuses which weren't as good then people would be complaining to the developers to make them more powerful. And anyway it's your choice, you can do whatever you feel like doing. If you feel like you are cheating yourself then don't abuse the system by creating a full set of smithing stat increasing armour, just use the standard skill as it is meant to be used.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:10 pm

I spent 8 perks in Speech, currently at lvl 81 speech. I can sell anything to any merchant. I can commit crimes and get away easily with it, if I get caught. I can invest in shops to permanently increase the available gold. I have 20k gold left, after I bought a house in Whiterun and another one in Windhelm. I do not consider it cheating. It's a skill that the designers put in the game. In my book, if you do not use the console, it is not cheating.
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Rhi Edwards
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:03 pm

I just don't want to abuse some gameplay problems to get me further or give me upperhand.

Thats not how TES games work :)
You can make it as hard or as easy on yourself as you want, whatever you think is the most enjoyable.

I have 100 smith and enchant, but I have not used them together to make super powerful stuff.
At the moment my experience with combat is just fine for my taste.
But I may on other playthroughs decide to use that mechanism, just to spice things up a bit, have a different experience.

In the end its all about how you want to play.
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Mel E
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:34 pm

If you think those perks makes you too strong and think it could be an exploit then don't pick it, why ask others when you obviously already set your mind about it?
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Nick Tyler
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:18 pm

Cheating or not ... it's a suboptimal system, it always was.
I really hoped they would add some mechanics in Skyrim to prevent abusive skill grinding, but they didn't.
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Alan Cutler
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:35 pm

Cheating or not ... it's a suboptimal system, it always was.
I really hoped they would add some mechanics in Skyrim to prevent abusive skill grinding, but they didn't.

It's miles better than it was in Oblivion, where you had to min/max every level in order to be perfect. And if you are really concerned about not grinding skills, I'm sure there are mods out to prevent this.
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Cheryl Rice
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:07 pm

Id call that ruining the game for yourself, also you can make it shorter by simply using god mode. Its easy to become a God in this game, not to become one is the hard thing.
With the guard problem it may help to draw and then sheet your weapon, also calm spells if you have them or voice of the emperor if you are imperial.
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Rachel Cafferty
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:51 am

You said it yourself, you think it is cheating to level your blacksmithing skill to 100 by making iron daggers, so don't do it. It's a roleplaying game, so you can make your own rules and restrictions in the game.
I made a complete set of iron armor after emptying an ironmine, so I gained 10 levels (to skill 30). But I have made a rule of only using things I find for levelling my blacksmithing, unless it is for something for my characters personal use.
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Mrs Pooh
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:36 pm

Cheating or not ... it's a suboptimal system, it always was.
I really hoped they would add some mechanics in Skyrim to prevent abusive skill grinding, but they didn't.

In a MMO where it effects the economy and playerbase, sure a hot fix would be implemented and the server reverted back a day (have seen this happen in Star Wars Galaxies) .. crafting system was cool in that game but there was a major exploit goin around after a buggy patch release.

In a Single player game I'd be very surprised if Bethesda spends much time recalculating their resource skillups....
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Madeleine Rose Walsh
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:13 pm

I just don't want to abuse some gameplay problems to get me further or give me upperhand.

Then it's simple;

This is a single player game. Not an MMO. You and you alone are in control of YOUR game world. What other people do or do not do in their seperate games DOES. NOT. MATTER.

Some people will and likely do grind all the skills to 100 because they can and want to min/max or whatever. That's their choice and effects only them. Some, like me, will get smithing up most of the way by making new weapons and armour as you unlock the perks, improving kit, and then doing a blitz later on for say Dragon armour or Daedric. That's MY choice on MY game, and effects NO ONE ELSE.

It's that simple. You effect you, other people effect themselves, there IS no 'upperhand' except over NPCs. End of.
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Brandon Wilson
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:28 am

No. Play the game how you want to play and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

Agree. But I would also like to say that if you think your having less fun by abusing a mechanic, then stop doing it. If abusing the mechanic is all apart of the fun for you, then carry on!
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Hella Beast
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:56 pm

No, i have smithing and I'm not making iron daggers or whatnot to level it up. I'm paying a trainer (Eorlund), at higher levels, and crafting stuff for myself and my wife whenever I can.

Oi vey, I saw the cost of his training at higher levels and bailed out. It's insane, honestly. You're better off sticking to smithing regular stuff, it'll cost you less by far. /opinion
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Lil Miss
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:41 pm

There is no such thing as "cheating" in an Elder Scrolls game.

The devs gave you a big sandbox, and tools to play in it however you like.

That's the beauty of TES series.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:40 pm

Meh, TES games are made so YOU can enjoy them, whether you mod or cheat
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stephanie eastwood
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:58 pm

But I have made a rule of only using things I find for levelling my blacksmithing, unless it is for something for my characters personal use.

This ^^

Main issue is the resource items like Leather and Iron ore are refreshed daily and cheaply sold by npcs. You can just buy them out, grind out iron daggers, wait a day and repeat. Just remove or reduce drastically the resource items that can be had by npcs.

If you want to level Smithy out on pace with your character, just do what this poster does, only use ores that you mine....
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:24 pm

The only person it's possible to cheat in a single player game is yourself.
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Cesar Gomez
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:19 pm

No. They're part of the game.

But hey, this is a community that believes jumping on a platform and shooting enemies with a bow is "exploiting and abusing enemy AI pathfinding". :shrug:
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Sasha Brown
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:35 pm

No. Crafting would be useless if it couldn't give you better items then can be bought / found.
And why are you training pickpocketing in cities? Go to a bandit hideout, find 1 thats standing still and train away. If you're caught just run away, hide wait and try again. Oh yea... Don't forget to kill his comrades first :P
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