» Sun May 08, 2011 12:27 am
1. No LAN connection
2. No female characters
Mmk. My first and major issue is, of course, the total lack of local area network or split screen. I can see that there are some good reasons for not going split screen (quality of graphics, limited size of vision, etc.), but I still have not seen a very good argument for no lan connection. If you don't use a mic while doing lan, it's probably because you don't use a mic for single play either. Also, lan would decrease traffic on servers by keeping smaller groups offline. And finally, for those of us that don't have access to high speed internet all the time, it would be the only way to enjoy co-op (which, I think we can all agree, is what this game is all about).
My second thing, which I am amazed to see that only ItalianDevil22 touched on, is the lack of female characters. I don't mind all-male FPS', but considering what the Brink story is all about (humanity flooding to the Ark to escape from whatever is going on in the rest of the world), it totally goes against all logic to not have female characters. Even if the the female customization options were severely limited, I think that would still go a long way to making this game just that much more engaging.