If you could choose the next province of the elder scrolls g

Post » Thu Sep 16, 2010 5:16 am

or maby summerset isle but make it a big map not like Cyrodil i explored that one way to fast!!!. so make a new big one on summerset isle or ill :gun: you!!!!!!!!!!! :D
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Post » Thu Sep 16, 2010 11:38 am

Either Summerset Isles or Akavir
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Post » Thu Sep 16, 2010 1:41 pm

i agree it would be awesome especialy if they put in the other argonian races..the khajiit an akaviri 1,s to would be nice
like this string of smilies for example :toughninja: :flamethrower: :icecream: :cookie: :ninja: :gun: :prod:

You seem to have forgotten :poke:, my good sir.
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Siobhan Thompson
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Post » Thu Sep 16, 2010 12:26 am

i would love to see whatever province the akivir are from. ive seen so many lizards cats and elves something new would be nice.
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Post » Thu Sep 16, 2010 2:40 am

It is an entire continent, probably larger than Tamriel, with AT LEAST four different countries in it.

I''d love to see Skyrim, if just for some flushed out factions and lore there (Why is it that we are still hearing people say Telvanni and not Dunmeri? its because Oblivion didn't have any conflicts like that)
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Post » Thu Sep 16, 2010 9:26 am

Blackmarsh. It would be badass.

You would have to worry more about the dangers that the land itself presents.

Oblivion already had a trap system, so why not aply that to the natural dangers lurking in a swampy area full of possible threats?

Also, you would have a more survivalist game, rather than a social, proper, by-the-book society. The possibilites are practically endless!
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Alexandra Ryan
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Post » Thu Sep 16, 2010 1:28 am

To me, High Rock seems to be the most interesting place to visit. Mainly because of all the small kingdoms and what could be done with it. Other than that Summerset Isle seems nice.
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naome duncan
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Post » Thu Sep 16, 2010 1:08 am

i want a new continent...
which has already developed nuclear weapons
elder scrolls cold war

Sorry, Yokuda already sunk.
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Charles Mckinna
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Post » Thu Sep 16, 2010 5:50 am

Sorry, Yokuda already sunk.

Yeah, thats why theres red guards in Tamriel.
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Post » Thu Sep 16, 2010 4:39 am

I voted Elsweyr, but Summerset Isle is on a good second place.
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Post » Thu Sep 16, 2010 11:39 am

Yeah, thats why theres red guards in Tamriel.

Yokuda could be an awesome expansion pack, imo. Some kind of quest to raise it from the sea, and being able to explore treasured redguard artifacts and cities. I could spread word of it, and populate it with Redguards, or use it for my own nefarious purposes.
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Post » Wed Sep 15, 2010 11:12 pm

i want a new continent...
which has already developed nuclear weapons
elder scrolls cold war

Only if we get proxy wars and old school badass special forces using MP5s with a huge mag-lite taped to the top, like http://www.crw-airsoft.com/ekmps/shops/crwuk/resources/image//IMG_0022%20copy.JPG. Or anything with a http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/ba/M16A1_PVS-2.JPEG scope attached.
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Racheal Robertson
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Post » Wed Sep 15, 2010 10:03 pm

i wouldn't mind being able to play 2 provinces but i would like to play hammerfall or black marsh
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Post » Thu Sep 16, 2010 1:55 pm

Well, I would like to see Valenwood/Elyswere. Together, they are about the size of Cyrodiil.
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Victor Oropeza
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Post » Thu Sep 16, 2010 10:52 am

Yokuda could be an awesome expansion pack, imo. Some kind of quest to raise it from the sea, and being able to explore treasured redguard artifacts and cities. I could spread word of it, and populate it with Redguards, or use it for my own nefarious purposes.

I think there should be a quest, or a guild that trys to work on that, to raise Yokuda, then you travel there by boat, kinda like the east empire trading company of Morrowind. Thats a good idea anyways! :D
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Post » Thu Sep 16, 2010 11:19 am

I think there should be a quest, or a guild that trys to work on that, to raise Yokuda, then you travel there by boat, kinda like the east empire trading company of Morrowind. Thats a good idea anyways! :D

Nah, it was either destroyed by earthquakes or nuclear weapons that caused it to sink into the ocean. Either way, there's nothing to see. It's been hundreds of years, nothing interesting is there.
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Jessica Thomson
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Post » Thu Sep 16, 2010 12:41 pm

I'd pick Elweyr. Just finished Oblivion wich was very normal and human like. Typical medieval fantasy. Now I'm in the mood or some wierd and unique stuff. Elsweyr is the perfect place for such things.
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kevin ball
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Post » Thu Sep 16, 2010 3:57 am

Personally, I think going back to Morrowind or Cyrodiil is too early. Morrowind and Obivion developped the areas quite extensively. Maybe not to everyone's liking, but still... redoing it again seems pointless and repetitive. Hammerfell and High Rock, thought they've been visited, would be nice if re-visited with modern technology, and to the same length as Morrowind and Cyrodill. But they have already been seen, so meh.

All the other 5 provinces would be interesting. I have a preference for the odd exotic ones (all of them except Skyrim), but while they'd be interesting from an artistic view, I'm not so sure they would translate all that well into a game setting.

- While Black Marsh would probably have the most interesting landscape and flora, personally I'd find it more interesting as a Myst type of game where you mostly just explore. And while I love Argonians, after years of playing TES games, I still can't distinguish them from one another, so trying to find an Argonian questgiver in a crowd of Argonians that all look alike and move around, to me, sounds like quite a challenge, but not of the good kind.

- While Valenwood' moving cities sitting on trees sound intriguing, I don't think it would be possible nor good game mechanics to have settlements moving around. And with the general unexplainable hatred for Bosmers, I don't think it would even be considered. Plus moving constantly from the ground to the tree branches would be fun for a short while but become annoying pretty quick.

- Elsweyr doesn't have large cities, so to me that doesn't sound appealing for a game setting. An interesting place is not necessarily a good location for a game. But Bethesda could change that very easily just by saying "in the last 200 years, it changed". They'd also have to deal with its separation from the Empire, as I don't see how the imperial factions could fit in otherwise and I highly doubt the Fighters/Mages/Thieves guilds would be tossed out the window.

- Summerset Isle would be a nice choice, because it looks interesting and has been elaborated quite a bit compared to other provinces. Being an island, it's convenient from a game mechanics point of view, with the water acting as a natural barrier around the explorable area. And Psijics.

- Skyrim makes the most sense. It's very wide-audience-friendly, it's native race is human, it would have a landscape/flora people would identify with more easily. But meh. I still don't like it. It's rather bland compared to the other options.
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Ross Thomas
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Post » Wed Sep 15, 2010 11:13 pm

I think revisiting Morrowind would be extremely interesting. First of all, it wouldn't be just the same repeated over again because they would include the rest of the Province, and not just the island in the middle.

But here's why I think it would be such a great idea, it would be a game following in the wake of the completion of the Nerevarine prophecies and the Oblivion invasion. You would see the scars that both of these major events left on the land, as you journey on your new quest. And this time, instead of a supernatural threat that could destroy the world you would be facing what is likely an even larger threat: the Empire.

After the Dunmer see the truth behind the Nerevarine Prophecies, they think it's time to get rid of the outlanders and free themselves from Imperial rule. That would be the major conflict of the game, though like the main quests of the other two games you could put off doing the main quest for a while and the two sides would not go to war until you were ready.

Edit: Or not. I was recently updated on what happens in the book. svcks.
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Jah Allen
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Post » Thu Sep 16, 2010 4:12 am

Edit: Or not. I was recently updated on what happens in the book. svcks.

It was going to happen sooner or later. It has been well known since Morrowind came out; read http://www.imperial-library.info/mwbooks/lessons.shtml#33
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Post » Wed Sep 15, 2010 11:40 pm

i only played oblivion in all their series so not sure about the other lands but id like to see something large. a dark side of the land like swamps, a deserty part and forests. a nice coastline. this mite sound a bit much but meh. and a couple more islands u can get 2.
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Guy Pearce
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Post » Thu Sep 16, 2010 7:59 am

Black marsh would have an awesome landscape!! and a nice storyline could be put in and stuff.

But overall i would most like to see a game in which you ventured the the horrifying and extremely trecherouse eastern islands of Akavir!! Bring on the giant vampire snakes that eat east asian people!
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Post » Thu Sep 16, 2010 9:54 am

Hammerfell. Reguards are awesome. :P

EDIT: Though I would very much like to see Black Marsh as well... hoping for ES VI :)
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Melly Angelic
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Post » Thu Sep 16, 2010 11:08 am

I voted for Cyrodiil just because I'm a tremendous Imperialist, but realistically speaking, I'd think Summerset would be the logical choice and one that I'd like best aside from revisiting Cyrodiil and changing it to fit the pre-Oblivion lore (which is never going to happen). I'd love to see the Altmer in their element.
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Post » Thu Sep 16, 2010 9:04 am

Gad golly jumpin gee willickers, there sure were a lot of Summerset votes (including mine). Personally, I'd like to see Summerset in TESVI or TESVII when the technology is much more advanced and modding is more diverse and open. Valenwood should be TESVIII since the moving trees in the cities would require some super advanced technology that computer games nowadways would have trouble with.

Although, I've always wondered what's on the other side of Nirn. Maybe there's an entire new land over there. Maybe Akavir is just a tiny little island amongst a gigantic continent.
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