Black Marsh would be horrid though. You couldn't walk 5ft. in the wild without contracting some horrible disease that would drop your encumbrance to 0.
No, they dont have anything like blight, do you wanna what they do have

, well they have
HIST, who put you in a dream, where you go crazy for a while, and sometimes you might even die in your dreams, jeez I wish, wish, wish an elder scrolls will take place in Black Marsh, Its also like the 4th largest province, but has many islands to the east, and south. Its like you never know when your gonna die or see the next enemy, well even though every one at this point knows the land itself is an enemy, but its the only place the empire does't go into with wars, to think that they went to Akivir over Black Marsh is CRAZY! then you find this wierd bay.where you decide to swim in to get past, but then as your swimming you see these lights in the water, you dive and find your self breathing perfectly easy, as if your on land, then you see a wonderful city, inside the water itself, that is what, and why I want Black Marsh so bad In one of the elder scrolls games.
