I like the ones we have, but I'd love to see specific House and Leagion NPCs.
Most of all, I'd like to rock out with a full party, FO2 style.
Well I think obvious companions for those two would be Victor (since he's been helping you along the way and could easily go help you out again if House told him to) and Dead Sea.
While Dead Sea has a job to do at Nelson once you kill the leaders at Folorn Hope he doesn't really need to oversee Nelson anymore, another Decanus can take over (Alexus) and then you could ask Caesar if you could be given a legionnaire to help you out.
A decanus is not too high ranked, not a specialist but not just the everyday grunt either. A decanus is capable, balanced.
Dead Sea has performed his job and his current task is... Wasting his potential.
And if Caesar asks of him to accompany the Courier then he will gladly oblige.
Dead Sea would never accept the Courier siding with anyone but Legion, so there is no such choice for him other than that, you can on the other hand, through his personal quest, decide the fate of his future in the Legion, of whether he will become a frumentarii, a centurion or praetorian. (Centurion for battle provice, Frumentarii for stealth and deception and Praetorian for servitude and protection of you.)
I don't really see any other Legionnaire fit for the task of companion other than him.
Vulpes, Lucius and Lanius are all too high ranked.
Aurelius already has a job.
Severus has a job.
Otto has a job.
Canyon Runner has a job.
Anthony has a job.
Cato has a job.
Karl has a job.
Lucullus has a job.
Only named legonnaire without anything to do is Dead Sea once you kill off all the Forlorn Hope officers.