Would you want to be involved in the events going on? Help the dragonborn fight Alduin? Or would you oppose him/her and be an enemy? Or maybe just carry on living your life wanting nothing to do with whats going on.
I would want to be Odahving, because i would be a badass dragon doing whatever i want, then i can fight the dragonborn and become a powerful ally of his.
But Parthurnaax is cool too but he just seems too old and just sits on his mountain all day. If not a dragon i would probably be teh guildmaster for College of Winterhld, being the Archmage cuz thats cool or else the Dovahkiin's companian.
VOTE! :thumbsup:
EDIT i would also possible choose to be a court official as the court mage, because then i would be in a position of power where i could influence a Jarl, but i wouldnt have people bugging me all day asking for stuff.