I would probably wanna go see Black Marsh. It seems so interesting.
I would probably wanna go see Black Marsh. It seems so interesting.
Black Marsh sounds like a very interesting place to explore, dark and pristine and full of deadly things and secrets.
TES IV caught my attention with Daedra worshipping problematic there, but considering the ultimate "Damn Elves" Summerset... err Alinor is my wish to visit. Any of the other "provinces" as well.
In a game? Black Marsh, no doubt. It's the most mysterious province to this day, still. Lots of potential fun to be had.
In "real life"? Either Skingrad or the Imperial City. Both have such a majestic feeling to them, with beautiful surrounding landscapes.
I'd like Windhelm, too. I love snow, and gloomy atmospheres.
Wherever Staada is currently at, I need to end My unhealthy obsession with Her
If you could choose place and time for your visit I would love to see Bromjunaar during its glorious days.