If you don't have an imagination, don't play Skyrim.

Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:10 am

I'm going through the boards reading various comments and slowly realizing everyone that has "complaints" and "big problems" are the ones that can't find joy in Skyrim's simple side. I saw someone claim that the "economy was broken" ... It just blew my mind ... He said, "What will you spend money on after you buy and furnish all the houses?"


I spend money on skill training, expensive items, and ingredients. I enjoy enchanting items, so I often times see what enchanted items the merchant has. If I see something that I could make useful, I buy it strictly to disenchant it. When it comes to the skill training, that [censored] gets expensive! Once you're level 75 or higher, each skill increase costs over 2,500 septims. My Alchemy education alone has cost me at least 20 grand. Not to mention the way I walk into an Alchemy shop, buy every single ingredient available, make potions out of them, and sell the creations back for a profit.

The economy is what you make it. If you hord money and believe it's only purpose is to buy houses ... then you will never see it's true value ... It's on YOU

The same goes with gameplay. I feel sorry for people that say "Skyrim is repetative" because they clearly have no idea how to step outside of the box. They probably played in first person the entire time, fast traveled to every single place they could during the main quest, and got bored halfway through because there were no rocket launchers. They failed to explore the diverse country of Skyrim and appreciate everything it has to offer. They failed to find satisfaction out of swimming through the river catching River Betty or questing.

No ... they came to the conclusion it was "repetative". They went into ten caves and never even noticed they were different. They ran through it as if they were in some type of rush and completely overlooked the beauty that Skyrim offers. These people have no imagination! Make a background story for your character, give him a unique name, and truly BECOME him/her. That's the only way to connect with the world and understand what's got the nerds buzzing


If you depend on the game to dictate what you do, you'll get bored. If you can't simply come up with a "quest" on your own and find satisfaction out of completing it, skyrim isn't for you. Some people just can't handle it ... their minds are too feeble. They need a game like CoD that is TRULY repetative so that they can fill the void in their soul of having no imagination what so ever. They never have to think and they never have to feel. They just kill ... over and over and over and over and over and over ...
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Ownie Zuliana
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:51 am

I put thoughts and feeling into my posts yet they go straight to the bottom as people continue to discuss monotonous topics
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Pat RiMsey
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:26 am

I'm going through the boards reading various comments and slowly realizing everyone that has "complaints" and "big problems" are the ones that can't find joy in Skyrim's simple side. I saw someone claim that the "economy was broken" ... It just blew my mind ... He said, "What will you spend money on after you buy and furnish all the houses?"


I spend money on skill training, expensive items, and ingredients. I enjoy enchanting items, so I often times see what enchanted items the merchant has. If I see something that I could make useful, I buy it strictly to disenchant it. When it comes to the skill training, that [censored] gets expensive! Once you're level 75 or higher, each skill increase costs over 2,500 septims. My Alchemy education alone has cost me at least 20 grand. Not to mention the way I walk into an Alchemy shop, buy every single ingredient available, make potions out of them, and sell the creations back for a profit.

The economy is what you make it. If you hord money and believe it's only purpose is to buy houses ... then you will never see it's true value ... It's on YOU

The same goes with gameplay. I feel sorry for people that say "Skyrim is repetative" because they clearly have no idea how to step outside of the box. They probably played in first person the entire time, fast traveled to every single place they could during the main quest, and got bored halfway through because there were no rocket launchers. They failed to explore the diverse country of Skyrim and appreciate everything it has to offer. They failed to find satisfaction out of swimming through the river catching River Betty or questing.

No ... they came to the conclusion it was "repetative". They went into ten caves and never even noticed they were different. They ran through it as if they were in some type of rush and completely overlooked the beauty that Skyrim offers. These people have no imagination! Make a background story for your character, give him a unique name, and truly BECOME him/her. That's the only way to connect with the world and understand what's got the nerds buzzing


If you depend on the game to dictate what you do, you'll get bored. If you can't simply come up with a "quest" on your own and find satisfaction out of completing it, skyrim isn't for you. Some people just can't handle it ... their minds are too feeble. They need a game like CoD that is TRULY repetative so that they can fill the void in their soul of having no imagination what so ever. They never have to think and they never have to feel. They just kill ... over and over and over and over and over and over ...

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Far'ed K.G.h.m
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:23 pm

I'm going through the boards reading various comments and slowly realizing everyone that has "complaints" and "big problems" are the ones that can't find joy in Skyrim's simple side. I saw someone claim that the "economy was broken" ... It just blew my mind ... He said, "What will you spend money on after you buy and furnish all the houses?"


I spend money on skill training, expensive items, and ingredients. I enjoy enchanting items, so I often times see what enchanted items the merchant has. If I see something that I could make useful, I buy it strictly to disenchant it. When it comes to the skill training, that [censored] gets expensive! Once you're level 75 or higher, each skill increase costs over 2,500 septims. My Alchemy education alone has cost me at least 20 grand. Not to mention the way I walk into an Alchemy shop, buy every single ingredient available, make potions out of them, and sell the creations back for a profit.

The economy is what you make it. If you hord money and believe it's only purpose is to buy houses ... then you will never see it's true value ... It's on YOU

The same goes with gameplay. I feel sorry for people that say "Skyrim is repetative" because they clearly have no idea how to step outside of the box. They probably played in first person the entire time, fast traveled to every single place they could during the main quest, and got bored halfway through because there were no rocket launchers. They failed to explore the diverse country of Skyrim and appreciate everything it has to offer. They failed to find satisfaction out of swimming through the river catching River Betty or questing.

No ... they came to the conclusion it was "repetative". They went into ten caves and never even noticed they were different. They ran through it as if they were in some type of rush and completely overlooked the beauty that Skyrim offers. These people have no imagination! Make a background story for your character, give him a unique name, and truly BECOME him/her. That's the only way to connect with the world and understand what's got the nerds buzzing


If you depend on the game to dictate what you do, you'll get bored. If you can't simply come up with a "quest" on your own and find satisfaction out of completing it, skyrim isn't for you. Some people just can't handle it ... their minds are too feeble. They need a game like CoD that is TRULY repetative so that they can fill the void in their soul of having no imagination what so ever. They never have to think and they never have to feel. They just kill ... over and over and over and over and over and over ...

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ILy- Forver
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:15 am

I'm going through the boards reading various comments and slowly realizing everyone that has "complaints" and "big problems" are the ones that can't find joy in Skyrim's simple side. I saw someone claim that the "economy was broken" ... It just blew my mind ... He said, "What will you spend money on after you buy and furnish all the houses?"


I spend money on skill training, expensive items, and ingredients. I enjoy enchanting items, so I often times see what enchanted items the merchant has. If I see something that I could make useful, I buy it strictly to disenchant it. When it comes to the skill training, that [censored] gets expensive! Once you're level 75 or higher, each skill increase costs over 2,500 septims. My Alchemy education alone has cost me at least 20 grand. Not to mention the way I walk into an Alchemy shop, buy every single ingredient available, make potions out of them, and sell the creations back for a profit.

The economy is what you make it. If you hord money and believe it's only purpose is to buy houses ... then you will never see it's true value ... It's on YOU

The same goes with gameplay. I feel sorry for people that say "Skyrim is repetative" because they clearly have no idea how to step outside of the box. They probably played in first person the entire time, fast traveled to every single place they could during the main quest, and got bored halfway through because there were no rocket launchers. They failed to explore the diverse country of Skyrim and appreciate everything it has to offer. They failed to find satisfaction out of swimming through the river catching River Betty or questing.

No ... they came to the conclusion it was "repetative". They went into ten caves and never even noticed they were different. They ran through it as if they were in some type of rush and completely overlooked the beauty that Skyrim offers. These people have no imagination! Make a background story for your character, give him a unique name, and truly BECOME him/her. That's the only way to connect with the world and understand what's got the nerds buzzing


If you depend on the game to dictate what you do, you'll get bored. If you can't simply come up with a "quest" on your own and find satisfaction out of completing it, skyrim isn't for you. Some people just can't handle it ... their minds are too feeble. They need a game like CoD that is TRULY repetative so that they can fill the void in their soul of having no imagination what so ever. They never have to think and they never have to feel. They just kill ... over and over and over and over and over and over ...

Unless the same people wrote that they:

"hord money"

"played in first person the entire time"

"fast traveled to every single place"

"got bored halfway through because there were no rocket launchers"

"went into ten caves and never even noticed they were different"

"ran through it as if they were in some type of rush"

"need a game like CoD that is TRULY repetative so that they can fill the void in their soul of having no imagination what so ever"

It is clearly your imagination. The one where you hear voices that arent really there though.
Good for you, but not everyone has an invisible companion that tells them everything is shiny and that everyone who disagrees has void in their soul ;)
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Susan Elizabeth
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:09 pm

That's because you have three eyes and you're scaring the children.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:28 am

Take the introduction of Weremen to TES lore? People have a real problem accepting their existance when in face they should be embracing the diverseness of the lore.

I agree with OP on this one 100%.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 12:00 pm

I'm going through the boards reading various comments and slowly realizing everyone that has "complaints" and "big problems" are the ones that can't find joy in Skyrim's simple side. I saw someone claim that the "economy was broken" ... It just blew my mind ... He said, "What will you spend money on after you buy and furnish all the houses?"


I spend money on skill training, expensive items, and ingredients. I enjoy enchanting items, so I often times see what enchanted items the merchant has. If I see something that I could make useful, I buy it strictly to disenchant it. When it comes to the skill training, that [censored] gets expensive! Once you're level 75 or higher, each skill increase costs over 2,500 septims. My Alchemy education alone has cost me at least 20 grand. Not to mention the way I walk into an Alchemy shop, buy every single ingredient available, make potions out of them, and sell the creations back for a profit.

The economy is what you make it. If you hord money and believe it's only purpose is to buy houses ... then you will never see it's true value ... It's on YOU

The same goes with gameplay. I feel sorry for people that say "Skyrim is repetative" because they clearly have no idea how to step outside of the box. They probably played in first person the entire time, fast traveled to every single place they could during the main quest, and got bored halfway through because there were no rocket launchers. They failed to explore the diverse country of Skyrim and appreciate everything it has to offer. They failed to find satisfaction out of swimming through the river catching River Betty or questing.

No ... they came to the conclusion it was "repetative". They went into ten caves and never even noticed they were different. They ran through it as if they were in some type of rush and completely overlooked the beauty that Skyrim offers. These people have no imagination! Make a background story for your character, give him a unique name, and truly BECOME him/her. That's the only way to connect with the world and understand what's got the nerds buzzing


If you depend on the game to dictate what you do, you'll get bored. If you can't simply come up with a "quest" on your own and find satisfaction out of completing it, skyrim isn't for you. Some people just can't handle it ... their minds are too feeble. They need a game like CoD that is TRULY repetative so that they can fill the void in their soul of having no imagination what so ever. They never have to think and they never have to feel. They just kill ... over and over and over and over and over and over ...

Quoted for truth.
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Brentleah Jeffs
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:38 am

I put thoughts and feeling into my posts yet they go straight to the bottom as people continue to discuss monotonous topics

Everybody look at me!


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Connie Thomas
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:40 am

I put thoughts and feeling into my posts yet they go straight to the bottom as people continue to discuss monotonous topics

Sorry, I didn't realise these forums revolved around you.
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Krista Belle Davis
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:08 am

I agree with the OP. After I decided to start over and forget about the main quest (which really kills the immersion for any non-Nord character), I've really started to enjoy my Bosmer playthrough. I see some issues too but nothing modders won't be able to fix.
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Justin Hankins
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:07 am

Sorry, I didn't realise these forums revolved around you.

Also Threads and Posts where people claim to know the reasons why other people dont like various aspects of the game, while ignoring the reasons stated by those people, are neither rare or original.
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Nikki Lawrence
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:29 pm

I put thoughts and feeling into my posts yet they go straight to the bottom as people continue to discuss monotonous topics

Why bother replying, your thread subject allows no debate. You state it as fact.

It's is your opinion, you're entitled to it, enjoy it.
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Leilene Nessel
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:49 am

Ever wonder how long it takes to run from Solitude to Riften? Let me tell you, A LONG F*CKING TIME!!!!. It was totally worth it though. I <3 this game so buy me a cookie
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candice keenan
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:57 am

Everybody look at me!



It's discouraging to type out something that you put genuine thought into only to have it go straight to the bottom. I'd say that I was pretty justified when I said it. The last thing I want to talk about is how "destruction is broken" or what bethesda did wrong.

All I'm trying to say is Skyrim is what you make it. Those with hallow egg shell minds will not be able to have the experience that us with three eyes do.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:41 am

I've got to say I agree with the OP completely. If you cannot utilise your imagination then true open world games are not what you should be playing.
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Kahli St Dennis
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:08 am

listen buddy, we're RPG players, but we dont just "imagine" our way around flaws in the game and pretend they dont exist. that isnt RPing, thats delusional. a proper RPG is just as much in your head than it is on the table/screen, but if the board/ game is a broken, imbalanced mess, then you might as well sit on the couch and imagine the whole damn thing. we complain to prevent that, because the only way things get better is if we discuss whats in the way of that.

but w/e, im pretty sure youre a troll, so congratulations, you were successful :thumbsup: .
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:22 pm

Complains about other complainers never gets old. They can come up with all sort of reasons but in truth it's all the "you are playing the game wrong" in disguise. These kind of threads serve no purpose other than giving shelter to people who also gets annoyed by complainers.

in short, grow some ball and write this as a response to the complainer in their thread.

edit: the bolt part
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:37 am

listen buddy, we're RPG players, but we dont just "imagine" our way around flaws in the game and pretend they dont exist. that isnt RPing, thats delusional. a proper RPG is just as much in your head than it is on the table/screen, but if the board/ game is a broken, imbalanced mess, then you might as well sit on the couch and imagine the whole damn thing. we complain to prevent that, because the only way things get better is if we discuss whats in the way of that.

but w/e, im pretty sure youre a troll, so congratulations, you were successful :thumbsup: .

I troll on trolls that claim they're giving constructive criticism yet never discuss the positive side of Skyrim. Delusional? Get real man. If you really think that Skyrim is a broken, imbalanced mess then you need to take a step back and realize how impressive this game is
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Andy durkan
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:59 am

Troll or no, i agree with the OP.
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Julie Serebrekoff
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:05 am

I largely agree with the OP but for me the biggest issue with the game, and also the most valid, is that the game just breaks immersion every 5 minutes if you follow quest lines. NPC's are abysmal with regards to reacting to your exploits and spouting the same line every time you go within ten feet of them gets very annoying.

To combat the god awful NPC's and mundane quests I've just gone off on my lonesome and raided places on my own. Have to say I am quite enjoying the Dark Brotherhood quests though. Fairly interesting plot developing as well
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Sophie Payne
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:36 am

They probably played in first person the entire time,

Excuse me what the [censored] is that supposed to mean

Maybe I don't like playing games in 3rd person, [censored].
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Sunnii Bebiieh
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 1:47 am

I largely agree with the OP but for me the biggest issue with the game, and also the most valid, is that the game just breaks immersion every 5 minutes if you follow quest lines. NPC's are abysmal with regards to reacting to your exploits and spouting the same line every time you go within ten feet of them gets very annoying.

To combat the god awful NPC's and mundane quests I've just gone off on my lonesome and raided places on my own. Have to say I am quite enjoying the Dark Brotherhood quests though. Fairly interesting plot developing as well

The game dosent break immersion, it is the void in your soul that dosent let you find away around it and you would probably like it better if you had found an rocket launcher ;)
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Lil Miss
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:12 am

Don't read the posts. :/
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Emily Rose
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:31 am

Excuse me what the [censored] is that supposed to mean

Maybe I don't like playing games in 3rd person, [censored].

That may actually touch on a decent point. Elder Scrolls games have always been focused on first person. Regardless of the fact that they always had a chase camera. The chase camera was never easy to utilize for combat or stealth but now in Skyrim it is. There are certain advantages to playing in third person that could easily be argued as meta-gaming. For example if I'm fighting on dangerous terrain, say a narrow cat-walk, and I'm in First-Person then I have to keep a constant vigil of where I think the edges are behind me as I dodge and dive my opponent in melee. However, if I'm playing in Third-Person I can do it very easily and suddenly a rather epic and dangerous experience with this Troll can become trivial.

I would say there are plenty of stupid people posting on this forum who probably play in Third-Person and haven't yet realized that their complaints (at least some) of imbalance are contributed chiefly by the fact that they're playing God of War instead of Daggerfall.
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