I spend money on skill training, expensive items, and ingredients. I enjoy enchanting items, so I often times see what enchanted items the merchant has. If I see something that I could make useful, I buy it strictly to disenchant it. When it comes to the skill training, that [censored] gets expensive! Once you're level 75 or higher, each skill increase costs over 2,500 septims. My Alchemy education alone has cost me at least 20 grand. Not to mention the way I walk into an Alchemy shop, buy every single ingredient available, make potions out of them, and sell the creations back for a profit.
The economy is what you make it. If you hord money and believe it's only purpose is to buy houses ... then you will never see it's true value ... It's on YOU
The same goes with gameplay. I feel sorry for people that say "Skyrim is repetative" because they clearly have no idea how to step outside of the box. They probably played in first person the entire time, fast traveled to every single place they could during the main quest, and got bored halfway through because there were no rocket launchers. They failed to explore the diverse country of Skyrim and appreciate everything it has to offer. They failed to find satisfaction out of swimming through the river catching River Betty or questing.
No ... they came to the conclusion it was "repetative". They went into ten caves and never even noticed they were different. They ran through it as if they were in some type of rush and completely overlooked the beauty that Skyrim offers. These people have no imagination! Make a background story for your character, give him a unique name, and truly BECOME him/her. That's the only way to connect with the world and understand what's got the nerds buzzing
If you depend on the game to dictate what you do, you'll get bored. If you can't simply come up with a "quest" on your own and find satisfaction out of completing it, skyrim isn't for you. Some people just can't handle it ... their minds are too feeble. They need a game like CoD that is TRULY repetative so that they can fill the void in their soul of having no imagination what so ever. They never have to think and they never have to feel. They just kill ... over and over and over and over and over and over ...