..to ruin the game? ... Seriously this news is TERRIBLE!
In oblivion... I often chose to stay at low levels.. simply because the role I was playing as a humble herb gathering woodsman didnt need to be tackling high level beasts in my adventures.
Also why ever bother sleeping in a bed? why waste money paying for a bed at an inn? with regenerating health and instant levelling... why not just wait for an hour in a town?
I am really unhappy with the news
It removes the value of coming across a bed after a long, heavy jaunt in the wild... equipment broke, low supplies.. but atleast can sleep and level up now.
This game has become way too arcady for my liking.
Is that all you do is complain on the forums? Its allowed here and I respect that but damn is that all you do? I do not think I have seen one positive post by you. Its a video game, enjoy it for what it is and whats in it. Everything that you want in the game can't all be in it. "This game has become way too arcady for my liking." Wow! You really have no idea what an "arcady" game is like do you? Skyrim is far from what you're making it out to be and thats not an opinion but the truth. I guess if an RPG game does not have a hardcoe mode and not having the mechanic to being able to sleep to level up its "arcady" :stare:
So I guess Mass Effect, Dragon Age Orgions, Fallout 1, 2, and 3, Fable, FF, ect. are all arcady too huh?