Nobody wants to go back to all of Morrowind's systems. Nobody wants NPCs to be standing around doing nothing again, or Morrowind's stealth system. They just want the good things back: More skills, factions, varied landscape, levitation, more dungeon types, no over the top level scaling, etc.
But Morrowind wasn't a Daggerfall 2, Oblivion wasn't a Morrowind 2, and for the same reason I doubt Skyrim is going to be an Oblivion 2 either. It's Skyrim.
This is true, I don't think many players really want a "Morrowind 2", what they want is the aspects of Morrowind which they liked that they felt were lacking in Oblivion return in Skyrim, and this is quite understandable. While I don't necessarily agree on everything these players want in Skyrim, or don't want, for that matter, I'm sure we all want the best from Skyrim. And if it just so happens that any one of us feels that a past game did something better than another past game, or feel that something one game removed should have stayed in the series, of course these players will want something closer to whichever game they felt did it better.
In the past, Bethesda has always made each Elder Scrolls game different in many ways from those before it, and I see no reason to assume this will change with Skyrim. But just because Bethesda wants to ensure that the new game will not feel the same as an old one does not mean they cannot reuse ideas from past games in areas that they did well. Simply because one brings in something new does not mean the old must be abandoned, and I do feel that there were some things Morrowind did better than Oblivion, I am not saying Morrowind is a better game than Oblivion, I like both games, and have no desire to get into an ultimately fruitless debate over which is the superior game, but there were some aspects that Morrowind did pretty well, and I hope to see Skyrim do just as well in these areas, or even outdo it. For one thing, I want to see Morrowind's unique world return. Not to say that Skyrim should be a copy of Vvardenfell, of course, because it's not supposed to be Vvardenfell, it's supposed to be Skyrim, I just want a setting as interesting as Vvardenfell, though I suppose I would have no reason to complain about one even more so. I want to see Morrowind's variety in landscapes, equipment and so on, and I wouldn't complain about the skills and spells, at least ones that would still be relevant, which were removed from Morrowind to return in Skyrim, so long as the end result isn't a horribly unbalanced mess. Really, I just want Skyrim to be the best game Bethesda can make it, best if it can combine the best aspects of past Elder Scrolls games, and improve upon them further, though I don't really believe Skyrim can do EVERYTHING I feel EVERY Elder Scrolls game did well, but I don't think it's unreasonable to ask for it to improve on some of those areas of Oblivion I have felt the need to criticize, at the very least.