Do you ever just stop and stare?

Post » Tue May 17, 2011 5:07 am

I sometimes just stop at a sunset gleaming off of the lake or sunlight on a forest and just watch.

You can't find such beautiful scenery in COD or other more popular games.
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tegan fiamengo
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 2:35 pm

Yes! All the time! It is truly amazing, the world created by the people at Bethesda... The world they created is so real and yet so dreamlike, that one can get lost in it for hours....
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adam holden
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 4:59 am

Yes! All the time! It is truly amazing, the world created by the people at Bethesda... The world they created is so real and yet so dreamlike, that one can get lost in it for hours....

This. Even after playing Oblivion for so many years... it's beautiful. I like mist on the water at sunrise....
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JUan Martinez
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:20 pm

This. Even after playing Oblivion for so many years... it's beautiful. I like mist on the water at sunrise....

Oh, definitely. It never ceases to amaze me! Just today, I was playing and I walked out onto my balcony of Frostcrag Spire to see a breathtakingly beautiful sunset over the mountains, and the mist was enchanting! I just stopped and stared before continuing with my game, wondering how it is that we are capable of creating such natural beauty in a video game.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:36 am

Always. That's why I wander the country side or use the horse to get around places rather than using fast-travel. Walking up the path to Bruma, then turning around and gazing back at the Imperial City far below and the trees in the Great Forest and seeing the City of Cheydinal in the can't beat that. It's amazing, it takes your breath away in a way that no other games have before - the vistas are incredible, and well worth having the draw distance set to maxiumum, as well as having distant buildings and tress on.

Truly spectacular... :tes:
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Chenae Butler
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 6:45 am

I thought about taking some screenshots of various vistas around Cyrodiil and using them for the quiz thread - include a landmark or two in the shot, and make people guess what location I was standing next to. I'm too lazy, though.
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helen buchan
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 7:27 am

I thought about taking some screenshots of various vistas around Cyrodiil and using them for the quiz thread - include a landmark or two in the shot, and make people guess what location I was standing next to. I'm too lazy, though.

Oooh. Great idea - I'll see if I can just grab random shots off of the wiki - harder for people to search around and'll have to look in the background to guess who it is, or where I am. great idea! :D
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lacy lake
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 7:20 am

I was standing atop a waterfall looking down, across the niben, at the sun rising on the imperial city and it was stunning
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CArla HOlbert
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:43 am

It's reasons like these why this is my favorite game of all time. :tes:
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maria Dwyer
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 10:55 am

Oh yes, there are so many breath-taking sights in this game! I especially love things like pools and streams, colorful locations like Mania and the West Weald, and looking out from a great height is something else, too. But my absolute most favorite sight is when an oblivion gate opens up near a waterfall, and turns the water all red. Stunning.
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Gavin boyce
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:34 pm

Oh, yes I do! I always stop at least once on the Orange road. That has probably the best scenic views in the game. Bethesda did a great job, and I can't wait to stop & stare in Skyrim.
I thought about taking some screenshots of various vistas around Cyrodiil and using them for the quiz thread - include a landmark or two in the shot, and make people guess what location I was standing next to. I'm too lazy, though.

Thanks for the idea :wave:
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Sammie LM
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:19 pm

The land of Cyrodiil is simply amazing. One of my favorite thing is the sunset in Anvil, but I generally love the entire world.
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Jason White
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 5:29 am

I most certainly do. Helena and I, when we have a free evening, quite often sit on a hill to the north of Anvil to watch the sun set into the Abecean.
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Riky Carrasco
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 10:23 am

Yeah, the view from Cloud Ruler Temple is pretty intense. :)
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Nina Mccormick
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 6:39 am

of course,
so much so i wish there were more animations for when you don't move at all for a while - like going down on one knee, or peering around and smiling, or sticking your weapon in the ground and leaning on the hilt...
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Wayland Neace
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 2:37 pm

of course,
so much so i wish there were more animations for when you don't move at all for a while - like going down on one knee, or peering around and smiling, or sticking your weapon in the ground and leaning on the hilt...

Ooh, that would be epic! Good idea! I wish they'd do that.
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Dawn Farrell
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 12:54 pm

All the time. Especially Anvil and it's surrounding lands. It just reminded me of my childhood when I used to live in a small village in Cornwall, never had a game that has really made me feel nostalgic like that before.
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Jason Rice
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 5:10 am

Yes! All the time! It is truly amazing, the world created by the people at Bethesda... The world they created is so real and yet so dreamlike, that one can get lost in it for hours....

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Jack Moves
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 3:24 am

I've stopped and looked at things for ages sometimes. For example the first time you step out of the sewers and into the world AFTER having gone from PS3 to PC on a HDTV were "F*****G HELL" to which my Dad responded "I told you PC's were awesome"

Anyway, whenever I stop to look at the world I always take screenshots of how awesome it all it looks

For some reason I only have 4 on my photobucket, which is packed with FO3 ones cause I LOVE the gloomy atmosphere in it, but I keep forgetting to take them in Oblivion cause I always seem so busy in it!
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Nathan Barker
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 11:13 am

i recently did that in shivering isles and realized you can see the new sheoth palace from nearby the gates of dementia/mania. its crazy that you can see that far :intergalactic:
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Crystal Clear
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 7:18 am


I particularly like sunsets over water, the sky at night (especially in SI) and ponds and waterfalls. And I'm always on the lookout for nice clearings and hills - places that really should have castle or a house or just a tent on them. Whenever I find one, I stop and look around and take in the view. I've found more than I can count.
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louise tagg
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 11:56 am

I stop and look all the time. Oblivion is the first game I have had where I just sit and stare happily at the world. With views like, how can you not? Or and Being high up
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Jade MacSpade
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 3:47 am

Yep, love the views from the Jeralls and Valus, looking at white gold tower in the distance.
And I don't know why, but if I can, if it is night and they are both out, I save whenever possible in third person, framed by the two moons. Totally useless thing to do, but kind of cool that you can do it at all.
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..xX Vin Xx..
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 3:08 am

I love looking up at the night sky. The two moons--

And the triple waterfall on the road Leyawin...
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Sarah MacLeod
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 5:20 am

Yep, love the views from the Jeralls and Valus, looking at white gold tower in the distance.
And I don't know why, but if I can, if it is night and they are both out, I save whenever possible in third person, framed by the two moons. Totally useless thing to do, but kind of cool that you can do it at all.

I do that because when you go to the "load" menu you have nice screenshots. :D

(but not always with the moons, but similar things I do)
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Haley Cooper
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