» Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:45 am
I've only experienced a few bugs so far in my experience on the 360. One was in a dungeon for that Lost Legends quest, I was stuck at a rotating pillar puzzle that was supposed to unlock the final stretch of that dungeon, because the pillars wouldn't respond. I reloaded, and they worked fine after that.
The other bugs I've experienced was sometimes dialogue being triggered twice at times, and dragons I've killed reappearing at random locations sometimes, when I fast travel. Mostly amusing to see. I'm tempted to start using them as storage containers, but I don't want to lose things when they finally disappear (some eventually have, though it takes upwards of a month in game time, I think).
I've seen a texture glitch here and there, but nothing that truly broke my game except for one time I entered a tower that didn't fully load properly, and I was able to walk through the walls until I fell through the "floor." Reloaded, and everything was fine.
The only one I'm annoyed by is the fact that some of the quest items don't lose their "essential" tag so I can drop them after I finish their related quests.