As the saying goes, which has already been quoted a few times here, "all good things must come to an end". Or else things will just become blander and blander, repeat the same events after events, so keep the famous quote from T.S. Eliot in mind - "this is how the world ends, not with a bang but a whimper". And with a whimper is how I will se Fallout end if it goes as far as Fallout 9 and 6 spin-offs. So, I say there can be, hmmm, 4-5 more games of Fallout. Maybe Fallout 4, Fallout 5 (maybe even Fallout 6) and some spin-offs. Fallout 5 should be the last installment and it should end with a BANG! Maybe not literally, because where would they get all the explosives from? But more like..... we see nations form and grow, they wage war and conquer, and finally after decades of constant bloodshed and greed, they all settle with peace or at least a non-violence treaty. Everything is like it was in the beginning of the 1900's - the situation between all nations in europe was really tense, a lot of nationalism, agreements, alliances and everyone was gearing up for war but still keeping a smiling face towards one another - then something simple as an assassination was the lit match in the powder keg - BOOOM! World War broke out! So I say that Fallout ends with a world war

Now, I know we only know about America, but since America is the only world they know, and since there are many nations in America, it could be
counted as a world war

Or, I don't know, suddenly we see some post-apoc nation from Eurasia?