» Wed May 09, 2012 10:03 am
I'd rather the game as a series end soon, because you can only have so many games before the game becomes the 'Sonic the Hedgehog' of gaming. I mean that in the sense that the only things that'd be left would be are two types of fan, the disgruntled fan who gripes and moans over the changes of their nostalgic childhood, and the fan that willingly wallows the fecal pile excuse of a game. It doesnt matter if you want to throw a hissy and say 'BUT I LIKE IT SO IT SHOULDNT END!', because quite frankly, the truth is, it's better you'e disappointed as a kid that Santa clause isnt real then being some 35 year old manchild who still actually believes some fatman sneaks into your house and leaves presents. It's best to let Fallout end while it's a LIKED game. In the game industry, letting a game have 3 games is a pretty bold endeavour without the endeavour beeing utter rubbish to the fanbase, but Fallout has had six games, one of those six is half jokingly 'banned' to be spoken of by fans because it was rubbish. No need to let it continue and just one after the other game becomes [censored].
Am I saying it should end right now? Not at all, but I think after Fallout 4, the seventh installment of the series, it's best to consider calling it quits while we're ahead.