Not a bad idea id go their get the coffin somehow then with her still asleep inside id bugger off to red mountain an drop that [censored] into the remnants of the volcano an cook a cook a cliff racer as she burns a slow agonizingly hot death taken the elder scroll with her then id go to vivec join the morag tong then go back to skyrim an teach astrid a lesson in kidnapping before making her watch as we slaughter every damn member of the brotherhood before we cicero assault astrid an while hes still in her cut his head off.
Then show astrid the heads off all the members of the brotherhood before we desecrate an burn the nightmother as ciceros body slumps over astrid an covers her in blood an just before i release her head from her body ill tell her that the same fate awaits her family an all the other brotherhood factions.
Then i#ll send a decree to all Jarls that anyone to be found harbouring members of the brotherhood or their families will be systematically hunted tried an executed an that from now on no bounty will be passed that doesn't go through the tong first.
The time of fearing the brotherhood is over the time they fear us is now