Also, what would you do if you ran in to your Dragonborn? Thank God I've just made a paladin....
I'd join the SCs and if I ran into my DB I'd get him to join if he hadn't already, and tell him whatever he does, not to do any drinking contests with a certain someone. And also when he goes to Sovngarde, tell Jurgen to [censored] off.
I would carry on and try to find a way back, if there was no way to return then I would make a life for myself in Skyrim
If I ran into ( one of ) my dragonborns I think I would befriend him/her, seeing as they all have pretty much the same personality as me I would be his/her Orko
Simple id make my way to whiterun an im sure that without saying it people know which two people id knock out.
As for my dragonborn considering my latest is this id make a damn b line for the border an get the hell out off their im not becoming part off his trophy collection oh hell no
With my luck? I encounter a sabre cat, and I scream, crap in my pants, and die a messy death.
I'd head straight to Valthume, spit in Valdar's stupid ghostly face, and immediately acquire all the opaque vessels, inject them right into Hevnoraak, and then offer myself to him so he can turn me into the most powerful undead Lich as his Dragon Acolyte.
And then win at life.
So what? 18 year olds are teens, and also in medieval times the age doesn't mean much. Women marry pretty early sometimes.
I would head south, back to my home in Cyrodiil...and lay off the nasty Skooma because that would mean I just lost a few days and woke up in that nasty hole called Skyrim.
CHIM, then troll
Such as filling Windhelm to the brim with Elves. Oh and find something sufficiently agonizing to submit Nazeem and Mogrul too for eternity oh and Ancano I don't like him. Perhaps give them to Hermaeus Mora...
I dunno, go join the temple to learn the healing arts I suppose. Probably see if I could learn some combat skills too.
I don't know why people would want to CHIM. That seems like it would be rather boring after a while.
i would find DragonBorn and tell him everything i know about him, go to High Hrothgar and become a Greybeard! Learn the Way of the voice, then I would find a mage to come back after i had my time count but when i returned i would bring magic to planet earth and shout all the bad guys apart!
And that would be perfectly acceptable for courtship in their setting regardless of the man's age.
A lot less boring then becoming a mage and managing to live hundreds of years.
I would use my extensive Knowledge of Skyrim to rule with an Ironfist..
Think about it.. I know every factions secrets, every Nobles lies, every Military's plans, Every heroes goals and weaknesses...
I would use this knowledge to begin blackmailing every Citizen, I would become both revered for my all knowing persona and feared at the same time, then in the absence of Mede, I would use the money I had acquired to Arm every able bodied man woman and child within Skyrim, while blackmailing the Companions, COW, TG, DB, DG, Volkihar, and the LDB along with any survivors from the Civil War. and March into Cyrodiil and claim the Imperial City.
After Declaring Myself Emperor, I would get the remnants of the Blades to go on an expedition to Akavir, to seek out and bring the Nerevarine back to Tamriel. then Using my Knowledge of Medieval war tactics, I would have the LDB and Nerevarine lead the Assault against the Thalmor, and afterwords rebuild the empire to its former glory.
At which point I would call the Elder Council to attendance and say:
"My Beloved Nobles, many have wondered about where I came from, and why I know so much about both Tamriel's Citizens, and its Histories.. and for my entire reign I have been questioned on my Birth.. as I am obviously not of any race of man known to the Citizens of Tamriel.. in all Honesty.. I am the Divines made Flesh! a Living Aedra, in the form of man..
We have for many years, watched the state of Tamriel decay.. So I have come to set the mortal races back on the right track.. No more Kings, No More Emperors, you will find within these scrolls I have written, a new form of Leadership.. it shall be known as, "The Parliamentary System"... no longer shall people been born to rule, simply because of their lineage or Military strength... all decisions will be made from a Political Body Known as "Parliament", and the members of this body shall be chosen, by popular vote from the area they shall represent.. the elected shall be responsible for representing the wishes of their people...
we Bless this event as the coming of an age of acceptance and prosperity for Tamriel, we wish you the best, and as long as you keep true to the values these scrolls i have written listed, the Divines will continue to watch over you all..."
Then I would then retire to a small estate in Cyrodiil, located within the great forest, and live out my days knowing I made a difference
That sounds great. At least with that you can have companionship and discover new things. CHIM, you already know everything, and everyone is you.
I would see what a sweetroll taste like. What is chim?