Just curious; if you have an incomplete shout, would visiting a word wall give you the next word in that shout or would it be totally random?
As in, if i have one word from shout A, would visiting a random dungeon give me one word from shout B, or will any dungeon give me the second word of shout A?
I think you always get the same words from the walls. On my way to get the horn of Jurgen Windcaller for the second time, the wall in there still gave me the first word of the become ethereal shout. Unless maybe certain walls are static, and others are random. :shrug:
I think you always get the same words from the walls. On my way to get the horn of Jurgen Windcaller for the second time, the wall in there still gave me the first word of the become ethereal shout. Unless maybe certain walls are static, and others are random. :shrug:
After killing Krosis I got all three levels of the throw voice shout. Useless for my mage character lol. Killed him at level 5 btw. Hard as [censored].
A wall can give you the first, second or third word of a shout depending on how many you already have. The shout which the word belongs to is handplaced on the wall but the word itself just depends whenever you've visited other walls with the words from the same shout ie: Shearpoint always gives Throw Voice, Dustman's Cairn always give Fire Breath
I think they are locked in a sense that you got 3 words bound to 3 wall, but it doesnt matter what order you visit them in, you will always get the words in the right order.
A wall can give you the first, second or third word of a shout depending on how many you already have. The shout which the word belongs to is handplaced on the wall but the word itself just depends whenever you've visited other walls with the words from the same shout ie: Shearpoint always gives Throw Voice, Dustman's Cairn always give Fire Breath
So if i visit both the above mentioned locations i would get 2 words from 2 different shouts? Thats kinda bum
I swear I got 'become etheral' from different walls.
That's correct. If a shout has three words, then there's usually three word walls in the world with the shout. If you visit one of them, you get the first word. If you find another one of the same shout, you get the second word.
After killing Krosis I got all three levels of the throw voice shout. Useless for my mage character lol.
I got all of them there too. And it's not useless; set a rune, wait for magicka to recover, use the shout and you get a powerful extra hit on the enemy