You guys know the empire has fallen right?

Post » Mon Nov 08, 2010 5:52 am

Because i've noticed people wanting the imperial gaurd as a faction or are under the impression that the empire is still around.

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is a sequel to The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. The story takes place 200 years after the conclusion of Oblivion, set in the titular land of Skyrim, a northern province of Tamriel (the continent on which all the games in the series have taken place). The once great Empire has fallen to the elves. The Blades, the once great defenders of Tamriel and its royalty, are no more. The King of Skyrim has recently died, provoking a civil war amongst the native Nord race. This war is last in a sequence of prophetic events foretold by the Elder Scrolls. In the mist of this event the Nordic god Alduin, a massive dragon, arises to destroy the world.[15] The player will assume the role of the last Dovahkiin (Dragonborn), a dragon-hunter annointed by the gods to help fend off this threat to Tamriel and Skyrim. Aiding the player will be Esbern (voiced by Max von Sydow), one of the last descendants of The Blades.[2]


wikipedia :)

so no imperial gaurd humans are now slaves (well maybe not but they dont rule) to the elves...YET AGAIN.

Though technically the dragonborn is a descendant of the imperial line, i mean thats the only way he/she would be part dragon (akatosh) so there is always hope.
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Post » Mon Nov 08, 2010 2:33 pm

What elves?
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Mimi BC
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Post » Mon Nov 08, 2010 3:11 pm

Cyrodiil and the Imperial City is now under control of Emperor Titus Mede and his dynasty... well, maybe his dynasty depending on what happens in Infernal City/next novel.
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Kat Ives
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Post » Mon Nov 08, 2010 2:57 am

What elves?

The Altmer, I suppose.
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Guy Pearce
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Post » Mon Nov 08, 2010 2:55 pm

I don't trust Wikipedia.

I've heard the civil war in Skyrim was about who supports the Empire and who doesn't.
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Rex Help
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Post » Mon Nov 08, 2010 1:00 pm

Wiki is based on the Gameinformer article which isn't very clear to begin with. Who ever wrote the wiki article actually put a lot of his assumptions into this summary.

In the case that some cities remain loyal to the 'old' empire started by one of their own: Tiber Septim, then I really do hope for the legion to return as a faction.
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Lynette Wilson
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Post » Mon Nov 08, 2010 12:53 am

I know the part about the Septim Empire falling, but it had nothing to do with Elves AFAIK, and I certainly hope Mede Empire or some other native Cyrodiilic state is still around. I'd much preffer to see Imperial soldiers at the border keeping me away than some Altmer. Plus then the Empire could be involved in the civil war and give off the impression of a world beyond Skyrim. And I just don't see why the Nords would go civil war over whether to be with the Empire or not (this was the reason given for the war, wasn't it?) when the Empire is gone and Elves are back in Cyrodiil. Wikipedia might've just screwed up.
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Post » Mon Nov 08, 2010 7:14 am

Cyrodiil and the Imperial City is now under control of Emperor Titus Mede and his dynasty... well, maybe his dynasty depending on what happens in Infernal City/next novel.

you do realize bethesda didnt create the novel, right? greg keyes did...

thats only true IF bethesda decides to make it canon... besides, that was 40 years after oblivion, skyrim takes place 200 years after oblivion... 160 after the infernal city, if its canon... so theres plenty of things that could've happened to that unofficial emperor and his bloodline.
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Post » Mon Nov 08, 2010 2:21 am

Wiki is based on the Gameinformer article which isn't very clear to begin with. Who ever wrote the wiki article actually put a lot of his assumptions into this summary.

In the case that some cities remain loyal to the 'old' empire started by one of their own: Tiber Septim, then I really do hope for the legion to return as a faction.

Yes, Wikipedia is generally accurate for scientific information, but when it comes to media, they tend to get things wrong.

The empire still existed at least at the time of the Infernal City, under that new guy.
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Post » Mon Nov 08, 2010 2:53 pm

Actually...In the Game Informer article it says that the civil war in Skyrim is fought between Nords who want to secede from the Empire, and Nords who want to remain part of it.

I suppose "The Empire" could be an elven empire, but I don't think that's the case. I can't imagine many Nords wanting to remain part of an elven empire, seeing as the elves kind of want to genocide everybody, including themselves if I'm not mistaken.
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Post » Mon Nov 08, 2010 3:08 pm

From what I've gathered (I haven't read Infernal City), the Empire is still around, but it's a lot smaller and less powerful than it used to be. Morrowind basically got blown up and Black Marsh and Elsweyr have seceded from the Empire. Now Skyrim is in a civil war over whether or not to secede as well (again, from what I've gathered) I can imagine we'll still be seeing Imperial soldiers dispatched to help the side loyal to the Empire in the civil war.
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Jarrett Willis
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Post » Mon Nov 08, 2010 3:06 pm

"The once great Empire has fallen to the elves."

This is why you shouldn't put complete trust in Wikis. Now I haven't read Infernal City, but considering that the Nordic Civil War is about whether or not they shall remain in the Empire... I don't see how it can have fallen to the Altmer, or Bosmer, or whoever these Elves are. :P
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Post » Mon Nov 08, 2010 1:45 am

From what I've gathered (I haven't read Infernal City), the Empire is still around, but it's a lot smaller and less powerful than it used to be. Morrowind basically got blown up and Black Marsh and Elsweyr have seceded from the Empire. Now Skyrim is in a civil war over whether or not to secede as well (again, from what I've gathered) I can imagine we'll still be seeing Imperial soldiers dispatched to help the side loyal to the Empire in the civil war.

The Tamriel Empire ended with the end of Oblivion Crisis. It just take one provinces to seceded for that to happen. 4 did faster then it take me to say "boo" (Black Marches, Elsweyr and the Aldmeri Dominion is back).

Medes' Empire isn't the Tamriel Empire and most of the old Empire structure are gone. He's just a Warlord who crowned himself "Emperor" because he secured the White Gold Tower with his bandits. Considering he wasn't the only pity warlords around at the time, that his son is a total incompetent, that he's a paranoic (fear his own brother) and that 160 year is a long time...I doubt his Empire is still around, especially with all the hints about the Thalmor in the Infernal City.

Thalmor => Government of the Aldmeri Dominion...
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Post » Mon Nov 08, 2010 3:44 am

There's some kind of Cyrodiilic Empire around that has a presence in Skyrim, the preview stated that pretty unequivocally. It might not be the Tamrielic Empire or even Mede's Empire, but it's definitely there.
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Post » Mon Nov 08, 2010 8:02 am


finally the lame empire is dead MUAHAHHAHAHHAHHHA :teehee: :teehee:
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Post » Mon Nov 08, 2010 9:57 am

Any source with the name "Wiki" in it should be dismissed at first sight. A source that allows anyone with a computer to change isn't a source at all.
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Bek Rideout
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Post » Mon Nov 08, 2010 1:08 pm

Did anybody else seem to notice the situation we (the player) are in resembles closely what General Talos had to face when he climbed the 7000 steps to consult with the greybeard and eventually gather and army and march to claim the imperial city? He was dragonborn too.
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Post » Mon Nov 08, 2010 12:55 pm

It's not totally baseless. The Empire is certainly falling. But as of Skyrim, I'm pretty sure it hasn't fallen yet

The Empire, of course, is based on the Roman Empire, and the period starting with Oblivion and continuing through Infernal City to Skyrim is its fall. Not a sudden collapse, but a slow, steady decline, as outlying provinces secede and cannot be recaptured, and the throne is claimed by warlords. The Western Roman Empire managed to survive this particular state of affairs for a good century or two. There's no reason to expect things will be any different for the Tamrielic Empire.
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Alyesha Neufeld
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Post » Mon Nov 08, 2010 12:55 pm

you do realize bethesda didnt create the novel, right? greg keyes did...

thats only true IF bethesda decides to make it canon... besides, that was 40 years after oblivion, skyrim takes place 200 years after oblivion... 160 after the infernal city, if its canon... so theres plenty of things that could've happened to that unofficial emperor and his bloodline.

They hired Greg Keys to write the novel, they reviewed his book to make sure it would fit with their lore. They have also said many times that the novel is cannon. Why does this come up so [censored] often?!/DCDeacon/status/21951830233710592 The novel is cannon!

Edit: For a less hostile version of what I just said, see the post by Outlander below. :whistling:
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Amber Hubbard
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Post » Mon Nov 08, 2010 8:27 am

you do realize bethesda didnt create the novel, right? greg keyes did...

thats only true IF bethesda decides to make it canon... besides, that was 40 years after oblivion, skyrim takes place 200 years after oblivion... 160 after the infernal city, if its canon... so theres plenty of things that could've happened to that unofficial emperor and his bloodline.

You do realize that Bethesda gave him a story outline with plot points they wanted him to use in the novel? And you do realize that everything thing he wrote had to be approved by Bethesda? And I guess since you are the king of realization you would also know that Greg Keyes had access to lore knowledge we don't know about and frequently had discussions about the lore with writers from the Bethesda Game Studios team? Also,

Edit* Ninja'd by Dr_Booker :ninja:
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Kit Marsden
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Post » Mon Nov 08, 2010 3:10 am

It's not totally baseless. The Empire is certainly falling. But as of Skyrim, I'm pretty sure it hasn't fallen yet

The Empire, of course, is based on the Roman Empire, and the period starting with Oblivion and continuing through Infernal City to Skyrim is its fall. Not a sudden collapse, but a slow, steady decline, as outlying provinces secede and cannot be recaptured, and the throne is claimed by warlords. The Western Roman Empire managed to survive this particular state of affairs for a good century or two. There's no reason to expect things will be any different for the Tamrielic Empire.

The Roman Empire still had an Emperor who was considered legitimate. The Imperials don't have that anymore. But the Empire is their identity. They came with Tiber from the north and they became the Imperials. So I dont think the empire will disappear or should even disappear. Besides they still have the huge legions that since the seperation of the southern provinces can be spread of the human lans more easily. And the 'civilized' nords have always been loyal to the empire as they see them as blood brothers who are also blessed by their own gods. So it isnt unimaginable that the 'empire' mentioned in the gameinformer article is indeed the old empire founded by Tiber Septim.

No doubt it will disappear and most likely it will when the player walks the same path of Tiber Septim and united Skyrim. But until then the empire and the legion could be present.
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