you guys must be joking

Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 2:04 am

im definitely thinking of going to see the graybeards, a full unrelenting would definitely help with those bastards. and the paralyzing idea is sweet

I found a dragon shout that disarms enemy weapons although I cant remember where I found it. Sorry, thats not very helpful is it :banghead:
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 3:00 am

When you play at master elements such as alchemy and restoration magic take a much more central role. Master is not hard if you have the TATICS. Sometimes you will have to retreat, albeit not far and use restoration to rebuild health while at lower levels.
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 1:06 pm

On master difficulty you can't level or perk anything non combat. Aside from the random lock pick etc you can't avoid. The + to armor from a bit of smithing barely equals what you get from juggernaut perk. And you used two perks for non essentials.
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Reven Lord
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 6:37 am

So after succesfully playing an enjoyable dunmer to level 74 on adept, going through most of the disciplines yet being a dual wielding light armored type, i decided to see how Master difficulty would feel.
I must say its a nightmare.
My toon is a heavy armored shield wielding imperial, hit level 14 (twas hard!) got some perks into 1h damage, armor bonus perks, block perks. The gameplay is challenging enough to be fun UNTIL i am faced a 2 hander opponent. They simply don't die fast enough and they more or less 2-3 shoot me. They are so resilient usually that i go through all my pots and food and they are still up to kill me. Yes, a companion helps but i choose not to have one so early in the game (wth will i do when mobs scale up). A swarm of 2-3 bandits with one wielding a 2-hander means usually gtfo fast :). Also they will crit me with my hp only at half wich is like: COME ON!. Im not even going to talk about enchanted weapon mobs or god forbid, Dragons. That first tower one took me 90 min to finally defeat it to my shame with a bow, hiding in the tower a lot like a wuzz ( im supposed to be a sword and board damage soaker LOL).

So my questions to you is, knowing that i am level 14, no unuseful perks used, have no magic resistance yet, have a full dwemer suit on + sword, all enhanced to exquisite:

Are all the "pff the game is to easy, i pwwz00r on master pff bethesda sux" cowdungs cheaters and console abusers or am i doing something wrong? please help its frustrating not being able to complete any quest and dread any orc with a iron greataxe...

get the Lord Stone (50 damage res on phys and mag res as well) + agent of mara (mag res) early in the game and with the shield + one handed if you take quick reflex perks and faced with two-hander,trust me,they'll be your toy as they mostly use power attacks on you,either you can dodge and slash 'em or bash with your shield :D

later on,say about level 20ish,i guarantee you, shield+one handed will be less challenging and you may want to start a new char using two-handed or dual-wield melee...right now i'm dual-wield melee w/ heavy armor instead of light and i use PISE mods (improved mobs's AI and spawn 50% chance more mobs) and i can tell you ROCKS!!!HAHAHAHAAH...

if you wanna give a try how hard it is,go to Halted Stream Camp (north of whiterun),4 mobs (2 bandit thugs melee,1 bandit thug mage, 1 bandit chief) and in tight space...NIGHTMARE!!! :D hence,it really is fun and challenging :foodndrink:
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David John Hunter
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 9:39 am

People who complain about Master being easy are either:
1. Lying. This is the most common thing. They say that they play on Master because everything else is too easy because it makes them feel good about themself on the internet.
2. Exploiting. I'm talking min/maxing Smithing/Alchemy/Enchanting (usually on Novice difficulty), making broken gear, then switching to Master and complaining about the game being easy.
3. Super Tryharding. These are the meta-game people who spend hours plotting routes and tactics for raids in WoW. They fully utilize kiting, sneak, and AI abuse to win fights. Sad, really.

Well, this is a funny post. I started my game on Master. Leveled smithing properly, ie with my own leather and materials I mined. When I played WoW I did raid and this was all the new content ect, but I was never one to study fights... I was the main tank who was just plain good at games.

Im a heavy armor and dual wield build and it was never hard. After I maxed one-hand I went to archery for some ranged ability. Still not hard... But that's me, I wouldn't say everyone can play like that... So you listing everyone who says its easy is in one of those groups is just hilarious.
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Ebony Lawson
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 2:13 pm

I tried master for oh about an hour.. You guys are seriously good if you can do this. My hats off to you all.

Yea as someone said earlier, the ones who complain its too easy get their godly gears on an easier difficulty, then switch to master. If they started on master, they would have never even been able to put points in enchanting/smithing for those godly gears
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neil slattery
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 1:20 pm

Yea as someone said earlier, the ones who complain its too easy get their godly gears on an easier difficulty, then switch to master. If they started on master, they would have never even been able to put points in enchanting/smithing for those godly gears

My god you people are amazing, lol
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Tamara Primo
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 4:42 am

Two handers are slow, assuming you have the room to do so (if not, make room): bait a heavy swing and then either backpedal/sidestep (depending on swing arc) and once you see the enemy is 'recovering', dart in and stab him.

Rinse & repeat. Don't get cocky and don't lose patience.

You probably have the shout by now, save that as a clutch in case you mis-time something.
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 10:08 am

lets see now: i need to block a lot hence i need some stamina right? so level 14 = 170 hp and 10 from the arkay amulet, and 160 stamina. Your post is wilingly inflamatory and i will be treating it as trolling

At level 14 you have 13 perks and 13 +10 attribute points to spend. What you indicate above shows only spending 12 of them, are you saving one for something?

That being said stamina is very important so you're not wrong in putting points there to allow more shield bashes. Technically if you do everything right health is only necessary for casters and the rare arrow that hits you, you can avoid every other form of damage manually.
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gemma king
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 3:29 am

My god you people are amazing, lol

Heavy armor + Dual wielding

You must be a liar, or went through a heck load of potions

Either way, I dont think you are grasping the meaning of "easy". Im sure you have to move around quite often and not just stand there bashing everything in your way without effort.
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Sarah MacLeod
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 1:53 am

Heavy armor + Dual wielding

You must be a liar, or went through a heck load of potions

Either way, I dont think you are grasping the meaning of "easy". Im sure you have to move around quite often and not just stand there bashing everything in your way without effort.

So now you know how I play? I hardly use potions, unless I'm fighting either a ancient dragon that breathes fire or the rare arch mage tossing fire. Usually I can dodge the fire balls. My normal fight I charge attack in and then unload my dual wield power attack. I can almost one shot draguar deathlords with that combo of attacks taking min. damage. My swords are not enchanted and my armor has very minor I think 22% to one hand damage on feet and gloves. I haven't exploited the enchanter thing. To me Master is how I enjoy the game. So I'm sorry if you think otherwise.
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kat no x
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 5:53 am

So now you know how I play? I hardly use potions, unless I'm fighting either a ancient dragon that breathes fire or the rare arch mage tossing fire. Usually I can dodge the fire balls. My normal fight I charge attack in and then unload my dual wield power attack. I can almost one shot draguar deathlords with that combo of attacks taking min. damage. My swords are not enchanted and my armor has very minor I think 22% to one hand damage on feet and gloves. I haven't exploited the enchanter thing. To me Master is how I enjoy the game. So I'm sorry if you think otherwise.

Yea because hiding behind a rock every time a mage pops out is easy gameplay. You screw up once, you are dead, that is not easy, the fact that you dual-wield, even in heavy armor, means you are vulnerable to atacks. No enchantments you say? Even more vulnerable. Only way you must be able to survive is by taking everything by surprise or hiding, and even then mobs arent easily "one-shotted" lest you are already at end-game. So yea, not easy gameplay waiting for the right moment eh?
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 11:58 pm

I run in swords a blazin'... I never said I hide behind rocks. I said I dodge them meaning as, I'm running in I strafe to the left and then right. You know how you play dodgeball in grade school? That works against fire balls too.
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Rob Smith
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 10:25 am

I run in swords a blazin'... I never said I hide behind rocks. I said I dodge them meaning as, I'm running in I strafe to the left and then right. You know how you play dodgeball in grade school? That works against fire balls too.

Sigh confirmed for lying. Why you keep it up is beyond me. Im out.
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 2:06 am

There's a lot of strawmanning going on in this thread, so I just wanted to add that while Master isn't 'too easy' or even 'easy' it's not 'too hard' or even that hard.

It's basically 'just right' for me. Screw up and you're dead, but you can kill stuff without 'cheating' or 'exploiting' provided you know what you're doing.


I'd go so far as to say that there are some enemies that can kill me quickly, but not enough. Dungeons are typically full of enemies I can one / two shot, then the end has a single powerful enemy. There need to be more difficult enemies so that I don't feel like every bandit tribe / vampire coven isn't just a bunch of weaklings following a demi-god NPC.
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Laura Cartwright
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 12:39 pm

How does this make me a liar? Oh that's right because we are on the internet and Omg if I cant do it, than they must be lying! You sir just made my day. I can't wait to get home from work to finish leveling archery. Which I only sneak on the first shot. Only got about 7 more skill levels to go and maybe I will level my two-handed up since that is somewhat of a challenge, not having any skills vested in it.

Oh and just to add. A good "Fos, Ro, Dah" is a dual wielders best friend vs those harder enemies. That others talk about. Dual wield does a lot of damage extremely fast. With enough stamina and knowledge you can burn through your opponents.
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keri seymour
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 10:29 pm

guys come one stop fighting over statements, its not the reason of the post, to each his own style, i'd like useful feedback, if you want to argue do it on private messages tyvm.

on the topic, i have to admit i got Lydia to help around and its much better, and the team fighting isn't so bad on its own, she's smart enough to whip out a bow in cases, and she can take punishment far better than i so far, and since i wanted this toon to be like a paladin from the start, and i do concentrate on resto a lot, i'm gonna try a bit of healing+combat support with Lydia, ill keep u posted if you are interested.
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Alada Vaginah
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 12:11 pm

There's a lot of strawmanning going on in this thread, so I just wanted to add that while Master isn't 'too easy' or even 'easy' it's not 'too hard' or even that hard.

It's basically 'just right' for me. Screw up and you're dead, but you can kill stuff without 'cheating' or 'exploiting' provided you know what you're doing.

Quite right. I think all the conflict on the issue stems from it being a spectrum, rather than a hard binary state. At one end you have "don't know how to play", at the other you have "min maxxed TO THE MAX". Somewhere in the middle ground lies "you know what you're doing" as you describe. Where each person's preferred spot lies on that spectrum is a matter of taste alone, but people who sit far apart on the spectrum tend to see each other as a little bit [censored].
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Kelly Osbourne Kelly
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 3:37 am

Whether it's too easy or too hard is a matter of perspective. I die all the time, but I don't consider it "too hard". For me, it provides exactly the right amount of challenge. If you expect to play it without dying a lot, then maybe it seems "too hard".
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Krystal Wilson
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 9:13 am

Master is definitely very challenging if your build and style involve absorbing damage. Being 2-shotted through heavy armor is very common for your first 30 or so levels. Facing 2-handed fighters you just have to get in and out; their swing animation takes long enough for you to backpeddle out of their range and they'll miss you completely. Just get them to swing, backpeddle so they miss then get in a shot or 2 once they stop. Make good use of unrelenting force as well.

The biggest problem is that if 2-handers cut you even once you leave yourself open to an un-dodgable finisher. Many times and NPC wielding a 2-hander winged me for about 1/4th of my HP then before I could even move went immediately into their finisher animation. The reason is the NPC's next attack was a power attack that would've finished me, so before the attack animation even started the game calculated that I would die and went into the NPC's finish animation.
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Tasha Clifford
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 2:27 am

Well to TC, each class is different, some fare better on harder difficulties than others.

Sword and board warrior is one of those tougher classes to play. Master difficulty is easy for those people who are running abusive characters.

Like for example if you want to walk through master difficulty, make a character like this: high stealth, high illusion, high 1h. You sneak around, casting fury on everything and watch people kill each other, then you backstab the last man standing. Very easy, but not very fun.

Keep at the sword and board warrior. I'm doing a Nord sword and board on expert. I have an Imperial sword and board reserved for master, once I've learned more of the game.
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Hella Beast
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 10:26 pm

Evade their initial swing and then stagger and kill them.
Or Fuzzyrotate them.
Or paralyze them.
Or use a bow with "slow" poison.
Each would do it.
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Nicole Kraus
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 12:46 pm

As a little update, Lydia and i look like a dwemer expedition :P team play is definitely working out so far untill i can soak more and learn to dodge better in those heavies :D Lydia is a warrior godess and im thinking of making her my ol' Lady :)) - still getting pwned by orcs hehe but at least your posts made me understand its not out of the ordinary.

What i DREAD is the first encounter with one of those dual wielding Forsworn Briarhearts o.O
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Juan Cerda
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 4:27 am

Evade their initial swing and then stagger and kill them.
Or Fuzzyrotate them.
Or paralyze them.
Or use a bow with "slow" poison.
Each would do it.

These work, but what's really overpowered is the clear sky shout. The cooldown is so short with the stage 1 of the shout, like 1 second or something ridiculous. Deals no damage, but staggers your enemy so you can basically stunlock them, it's unintentionally the most overpowered shout in the game lol. Which is ironic since it was just meant to be use for one part of the game really.
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Nicholas C
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 8:51 am

With regards to the 'too easy' crowd: some of them abused loopholes in the game to powerlevel themselves. Some may have used console commands, but I doubt it. A few are probably lying or trolling. Some, a very select few of them, just are that good. I dont think we'll ever see the latter on here though, as they would much rather demonstrate their superiority on games like CoD, Fifa, NBA and other big MP titles as opposed to coming on to forums to brag about it.
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