So after succesfully playing an enjoyable dunmer to level 74 on adept, going through most of the disciplines yet being a dual wielding light armored type, i decided to see how Master difficulty would feel.
I must say its a nightmare.
My toon is a heavy armored shield wielding imperial, hit level 14 (twas hard!) got some perks into 1h damage, armor bonus perks, block perks. The gameplay is challenging enough to be fun UNTIL i am faced a 2 hander opponent. They simply don't die fast enough and they more or less 2-3 shoot me. They are so resilient usually that i go through all my pots and food and they are still up to kill me. Yes, a companion helps but i choose not to have one so early in the game (wth will i do when mobs scale up). A swarm of 2-3 bandits with one wielding a 2-hander means usually gtfo fast

. Also they will crit me with my hp only at half wich is like: COME ON!. Im not even going to talk about enchanted weapon mobs or god forbid, Dragons. That first tower one took me 90 min to finally defeat it to my shame with a bow, hiding in the tower a lot like a wuzz ( im supposed to be a sword and board damage soaker LOL).
So my questions to you is, knowing that i am level 14, no unuseful perks used, have no magic resistance yet, have a full dwemer suit on + sword, all enhanced to exquisite:
Are all the "pff the game is to easy, i pwwz00r on master pff bethesda sux" cowdungs cheaters and console abusers or am i doing something wrong? please help its frustrating not being able to complete any quest and dread any orc with a iron greataxe...
get the Lord Stone (50 damage res on phys and mag res as well) + agent of mara (mag res) early in the game and with the shield + one handed if you take quick reflex perks and faced with two-hander,trust me,they'll be your toy as they mostly use power attacks on you,either you can dodge and slash 'em or bash with your shield

later on,say about level 20ish,i guarantee you, shield+one handed will be less challenging and you may want to start a new char using two-handed or dual-wield melee...right now i'm dual-wield melee w/ heavy armor instead of light and i use PISE mods (improved mobs's AI and spawn 50% chance more mobs) and i can tell you ROCKS!!!HAHAHAHAAH...
if you wanna give a try how hard it is,go to Halted Stream Camp (north of whiterun),4 mobs (2 bandit thugs melee,1 bandit thug mage, 1 bandit chief) and in tight space...NIGHTMARE!!!

hence,it really is fun and challenging :foodndrink: