I must say its a nightmare.
My toon is a heavy armored shield wielding imperial, hit level 14 (twas hard!) got some perks into 1h damage, armor bonus perks, block perks. The gameplay is challenging enough to be fun UNTIL i am faced a 2 hander opponent. They simply don't die fast enough and they more or less 2-3 shoot me. They are so resilient usually that i go through all my pots and food and they are still up to kill me. Yes, a companion helps but i choose not to have one so early in the game (wth will i do when mobs scale up). A swarm of 2-3 bandits with one wielding a 2-hander means usually gtfo fast

So my questions to you is, knowing that i am level 14, no unuseful perks used, have no magic resistance yet, have a full dwemer suit on + sword, all enhanced to exquisite:
Are all the "pff the game is to easy, i pwwz00r on master pff bethesda sux" cowdungs cheaters and console abusers or am i doing something wrong? please help its frustrating not being able to complete any quest and dread any orc with a iron greataxe...