» Wed Aug 26, 2009 3:49 am
Vault 123:
1000 13 year old Males, 1000 13 Year old girls, 1000 Kittens, and 1000 Puppies. Oh, and 1 horse and 1 snake.
The Boys would all get a puppy and share the snake. The Girls would all get a kitten and have to share the horse. No relatives would be in it, and the Overseer would be elected. The candidates would be 1 girl and 1 boy, and they would have ultimate power. All 2000 vault dwellers would have the same birthday. There would be an overstock of weapons, no lock, and no school/teaching at all. the goal is to see if 2000 12 year olds can make a society. It doesn't open.
Vault J:
5001 (the last is the Overseer) Male Babies, 5000 Female Babies
All occupants are babies, and all the males are raised to be like Joker, and all their outfits are his Batman: TAS outfit. All the females are raised to be like Harley Quinn, and all their outfits are her Batman: TAS outfit. The Overseer, also starting as a baby, is raised to be like Batman (including having 2 Lifelike robot parents murdered by a lifelike robot gunman in a vault alley. The Overseer has the Batman: TAS Boxset for entertainment, and the Jokers have the Joker comics, and the Quinns the Harley Quinn comics. When the males turn 20, they are given the Jokers full arsenal, and set loose on the vault. Same thing with the Quinns and all of their stuff, and the Overseer and all of Batman's stuff. They can do whatever they want, and the Overseer has to stop them. The vault is a recreation of Gotham, and there are robot lifelike citizens, which none of them know are fake. It opens after Batman is killed.
Goal: To see what would happen if 5000 Jokers and 5000 Harley Quinns were set loose, and there was still only one Batman. That, and it would be entertainment for the other vaults after they are all freed. It would be recorded, edited, and played for all the other vaults.
Vault 9001:
9001 4chaners, and all of Scientology.
The channers would have unlimited access to weapons and armor. It opens when either all of Scientology is dead, or the other 9001 People.
Goal: The Death of Scientology.