A lot of hatred for the organization seems to stem from this one character. So my question to all hardcoe Skyrim fans out there is do you truly hate the Blades organization as a whole or merely just Delphine?
It seems a good number of people side with Parthurnaax and the Greybeards merely to spite her. However its important to remember that you encounter (excluding those you choose to recruit of course) just two members of the decaying order. Esbern is senile old mage scholar with not much of a lifespan left, so its kinda hard to see him playing any type of prominent role after Alduin and the dragon threat has been neutralized. Personally Ide be more inclined to trust and help rebuild the organization if Delphine wasn't such a cold, rude, arrogant [censored] with questionable motives. Its almost solely because of her that I choose forgo the recruitment missions and completely ignore the duo after the MQ has been completed.