No, not really.
Some things I would like to get when they're new, but I'm fine waiting. If it's a game, I either buy it brand new or wait until it goes super cheap. And if I am to buy it brand new or pre-order, the game has to looks super promising. Of course some extra goodies for pre-ordering is cool as long as it isn't too extreme. I you get like the soundtrack or something, that's pretty cool.
I try my best to budget too, try to keep a decent amount of money on my account at all times, which has proven to be a good plan so far. The only thing I am currently debating is getting the Witcher 3, and if I don't it ain't gonna bother me.
My goal is to mainly get new games when they go on sale. I guess part of the problem is that a lot of new games aren't worth the price tag.
With other things such as books, I buy them when I feel like it... within reason of course, I still try to budget.