Sometimes I really do appreciate how lightly moderated this forum is.
I've only read the first Earthsea book. The second one bored me nearly immediately. It depends what kind of sixuality you're talking about though. I always associated sixually charged fantasy with the Hyborian Age (Conan) stories. Those things describe people in loincloths and leather harnesses or... nothing at all. It was bdsn...ish, but no torture or anything. At least not sadistic torture.
I'm merely saying that sixuality has been a topic of exploration in fantasy since the '70's, and seeing as we've got books that deal with,,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_AA300_SH20_OU01_.jpg,, and even (to a small degree, I did have to reach on that last one), is it that hard to not include bdsn?
Heck, if you believe MK, the Reman dynasty is filled with Cow lovers.