I hope you're not implying Tolkien is one-dimensional. Them's fightin words.
Anyway, I often think Michael Kirkbride's influence on the development of the lore is a bit overstated because of his activeness in the fan community. He wrote a lot of the in-game books, true, but I can't help but think of this contribution as more or less flavoring then actual lore.
Tolkien is multi-dimensional. Unfortunately, too much fantasy is a one-dimensional rip-off of Tolkien. Few fantasy writers are philologists or historians or ex-military officers or even people who intelligently observe the world they live in. You gotta bring something to the table.
On that note, I'd love to see MK do a take on what happened to the Bardic College. How and when did the bards fall from proud rime-bearded warrior creators of sagas and eddas and satires for kings to an Altmer "headmaster" and a Breton "dean of history" churning out incompetents who sing tuneless songs in bars? Time was, kings begged for bards to visit their courts and vied to pay them in priceless jewels. Now drunks pay them to shut up.