Thanks! I love that you guys are so helpful with the gathering and distribution of lore. A lot of sites like this tend to be overly elitist, to the point of discouraging me from further research and interest. Thanks Crow, this is sweet.
d'aww, you guys make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
Insect Dreaming, that post you referred to was fascinating. The whole thread was interesting, but when I got to that post it became a hundred times more so. That look into MK's head and life, and the creative process at Bethesda, was both illuminating and somehow intimate. Then again, that's true of most things he writes. I'm absolutely gushing with f@nboyish (that word really should not be censored. Silly overly-sensitive iron-handed overlords, the rules of this forum are) enthusiasm, but it's justly inspired.
And oh my gosh did I ever suffer from some nostalgia when Dark Sun and Glorantha were mentioned. So it turns out I
wasn't the only person to play King of Dragon Pass?
The only thing about reading that post that wasn't wholly amazing was this paragraph:
Kurt and I were all, "It's set on a gas planet named like UR for Jupiter but it's way in the future so everyone's forgotten that name plus we both love ancient cultures so we can play with the Etruscans and the Medes and BABYLONIAN BULL-PEOPLE, and TOTALLY with air-whales for ships, right, and metal is so scarce that each cannonball has its own name and people eat bone-meal, right, because meat is totally, totally scarce and therefore cannibalism is totally normal and--" and he's all, "Wait, back up the train. That sounds weird. What if we set it in Tamriel?" because it made Redguard, one of my favorite games, seem pale in comparison to what could have been (cursed cliches, my cognition seems condemned to your clutches!).
But even the wistful longing it leaves me with is colored over by a tinge of "
wow I love this so much" and excitement at seeing such exuberant genius.
XxChaplainxX, in context that off-handed jibe at Mieville is much more good-natured. Well, it's still insulting, but it doesn't come off as being petty or bitter or anything like that.
And in reply to your thread, if I had MK Tied to a Chair With a Gun to His Head I would immediately unloose the ropes, throw the firearm away faster than if it were last week's lunch and apologize profusely for whatever asshattery possessed me to get in that situation in the first place.
Then I would probably blush and stutter and profess my admiration and offer to buy him lunch, dinner, post-prandial drinks, breakfast, and a wedding ring in order to have time to satiate my blasarious desire to spend forever in dialogue with this brilliant man.