Ok, so I've now read dozens of posts related to the issues of lag and crashes of this game. I purchased this game this christmas and fell in love with it. To the point my wife HATE's it

, After many hours of bliss I go to the Sony site and spend another $40 on top of the game price for all the DLC's. All is right in the world and then (wait for it) the LAG and crash. So after first fits of anger I did what any sane person would do. Google it. Open the flood gates for frustrated users. Glad to hear it wasn't only me. So my situation doesn't sound much different to many of the others i've read. - Brand new PS3, Only game on it at momment, currently a 13mb file (level 49) not yet finished OWB , still have main game to compeate and Lonesome road to do if it will be even possible. Have turned off all the auto saves, gone into safe mode of the PS3 and did both 3rd and 4th options regarding file cleanup. ( so no currupt data) Havn't tried the resolution drop down to 480p but if a last resort to finish this game maybe. So does anyone have some insight regarding the future repair if any on this game. I've read that no further patches are comming? How in good faith could a company release a complete Ultimate Package of this game if they know it won't work? AM i missing something here? is the complete pkg different in some way from the original game plus downloaded DLC's and thus no glitches? Real question is that maybe it works for PC and 360 but not PS3 (THEN WHY TAKE PEOPLES MONEY) Look i love this game and only hope that the company does the right thing. I run my own business and sometimes you just have to make it up to a loyal customer. If they can't resolve this issue in a timely maner they should at the very least try to create some goodwill by giving those of us still willing to drink the cool-aid a discount on the next round. FO4 1/2 price to PS3 returned disc's customers (DO something) If anyone else has suggestions on playng this glitch free please pitch in. (and not opening containers or carring any inventory counts as an option) LOL. And thats my rant.