I know I do. I make it my RP before fighting Miraak.
I know I do. I make it my RP before fighting Miraak.
I've been planning that my hardcoe Ancient Nord wannabe would hunt them all down, become corrupted by their power and turn into one himself. But otherwise I haven't. The masks are trash and look terrible, only one or two of them worth the time.
well out side of Miraak's there are two good ones for a mage character, the rest kinda svck. Although rahgot and the secret mask are good for sheild and sword warriors.
i did it once, the warlord mask actually looked pretty cool on my character
I've done it in the past, but mostly I just collect the Masks I come across as I play these days.
I've taken all their un-lives every time I've played Skyrim, so I'd say I yes, I do hunt them down. It's not really hunting though once you know where they're all located; it's more like extermination with extreme prejudice. As for their masks, I don't really use them since they don't give me as high an armor rating as my full set of Daedric armor does. Though the final mask that you have to go back in time for is pretty fun to use if you let your health go down for its effect to trigger.
I do, I like to collect the masks as trophies. I am glad Dragonborn added a few more.
I only ever make it my mission to kil krosis, because that is a great mask for a Stealth based character
This is what I've done. It's nice to collect them all.
Plus, it's a lengthy quest with some genuine challenge.
...Die Joor! Your death will be slow and painful! I will reap Nahkriin!
And no, I would nether kill my brethren
You blasphemous savage! You should be greeting Valdar. He loves visitors like you.
You could at least soul trap Valdar... 5,000 year old Dragon Priest's dying wish and all that.
I usually go after Krosis first -I just like the name