So I walk out of Lakeview Manor and get mugged instantly by three bandits, one of which is wearing Nordic armour. happens.
I want my archery skills up so I stubbornly persist with my crossbowbow rather than knives or some other weapon combo better suited to close combat.
What follows is the inevitable loud and generally insulting behaviour of the thugs, interspersed with loud explosions from my exploding bolts. I got killed once and had to reload to try again.
After I'd looted the bodies, I thought to myself, "Where the hell were my staff while all this mayhem was going on?" I walk back inside to find the two kids fast asleep, my husband curled up in bed, the housecarl comatose and the steward equally oblivious...maybe they'd all been at the mead barrel in the cellar.
Now I don't expect the girls to rush to my defence with the daggers I gave them, but the other three? Come on, it must have sounded like a Motorhead concert outside. I'm beginning to think Bethesda should have included divorce settlements in the game. Next time my hubby greets me with "It's good to see you, my love," I should at least have the option of saying something sarcastic like, "It would have been even better to see you last night!"