Processor's definitely bottlenecking that card, especially for a TES engine. But sweet rig nonetheless. I have the same specs w/ i7 (if you're near a microcenter, pick one up for $200!)
Anywho, I'd probably actually clean off my desk, and make a worthy gaming environment days beforehand. I'd be neither hungry, nor completely full, just have a drink while I'm playing. I'd whip out my tanker headphones and just check out from the rest of life from the time I get the game in the evening until about noon the next day.
Then, as a "break", I'd check out the forums, tesnexus for the h of it, and take a walk.
I'd come back, nap for about 5 hours, and repeat the process for a good week or so, reading the game guide and gritting my teeth during all my classes.. Or just skip them altogether

Best case scenario: The game comes out days before Christmas break or Spring break, or even summer