The comma after "the Pitt" and the rest of the sentence should have been included in the quote. But yeah, I tend to type quickly and neglect to add apostrophes or commas and my spelling would make a deathclaw blush....kinda makes me look like an idiot at times. :whistling:
Heh, I remember when I got The Pitt. It was the first upload, the extremely broken, corrupted one. I was actually luckier then most, I got all the way to Uptown before it crashed. My New Vegas runs just fine though. I haven't actually plated since the 1.3 patch, but I doubt it'll hurt. It really only crashed if I've been playing for more then 5 hours straight, which is rather rare for me.
By the way, has anybody notices that the OP posted a scathing, hate-filled comment and has yet to post again? Suspicious.