Do you just roll with it? Or use previous saves?

Post » Sun May 18, 2014 2:58 pm

....and the same ppl who complain about npcs getting killed will complain bout too many essential npcs in the friggin cynical... /rofl.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':rofl:' />

on topic, if an npc dies in my game, theyre dead, no reloading, no matter who dies.
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ashleigh bryden
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 8:23 am

I almost always roll with it, even if it makes things harder for me or my PC. I make exceptions for really awful bugs and NPC behaviors that are so stupidly unrealistic I can't rationalize it away (stupid as it may be, I don't count NPCs attacking creatures that are way out of their league among this--it has to be beyond the normal realms of AI behavior/total immersion-breaking stupid beyond the game's design). Or I'll reload if I just hit the a button at the wrong time when selling something I didn't mean to or drink a potion I didn't mean to. The occasional response lag when selecting things messes me up. Oh and, of course, dying. I am not a DID person.
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