Cuz sharing is good, mmmkay?
Also, I thought you guys were talking about drumsticks, as in the ice cream, not chicken. I got really confused when you started talking about givings dogs ice cream and talking about the bones in the ice cream.
This is going on the menu! Chicken flavoured ice cream!
gear grinders, right.
The International Banking sector. tHey haven't learned a thing in the last eighteen months of global financial crisis.
The ammount of pocketlining that goes on in general. Befoer the internet it was like this of course, but at least I didn't have to read about it every other day in the paper.
The oil spill, and why they're still negotiating prices with Boskalis for the clean up (Boskalis has the hardware to clean it, so hire them!)
The World Cup. Christ I'll be glad when that's done with for another four years!!
Council housing here on the island. I have urgency clearence for a house, what's the damn hold up? And I know there are adequate houses around, I've seen 'em!!
Ubisoft, because I was really looking forward to playing settler 7
The crappy weather we're having -it's off by three to five degrees here!!!
that's just the top of my head grinding at work here, obviously there are other things unspeakable..