-When my brand new computer can't go a month without getting some kind of error...
-When you go get your haircut and ask for something specifically, and die a little inside when they start doing it
all wrong.
-When a
certain company announces a new game and a
certain forum is flooded with a
certain type of annoying, illiterate internet user. Thank god they haven't found CD yet.
-When the school decides it'll be fun to switch all the teachers around, confusing everyone and affecting my grades massively.
-While we're talking about schools, when the school messes up and accidently sends an After-school detention/Isolation/Suspension Email to
every. single. student. This has happened about five times now, The school had to apologise personally to my dad..
-People who spit on the floor when they're walking... why? It's gross!
-Heavy metal/Screamo/Rock metal/Death metal/Metal music in general and the associated norms. It all sounds the same to me, terrible.
-People who describe themselves as "Random".