» Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:40 am
Everyone who said C1 was just a tech demo was right. That's the only reason for that insane attention to detail. To show off every single damn thing CE2 could do.
Now Crytek actually tried to make a game, and it ended up worse than the tech demo.
Bottom line: C2 should've been a CE3 tech demo.
People are comparing textures of C1 plants with TEXTURES FROM IMPORTED CONSOLE DEMO, final release on PC it isn't port from console. The fact that you have menu & settings which look like menu from console game doesn't mean that game was ported, they have same base game structure for PC and consoles.
sorry to burst your bubble, the demo wasnt a console port. it was the final PC release. If you read some threads about people who have the retail version already, you would know this.