You know what I think?

Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:53 am

Everyone who said C1 was just a tech demo was right. That's the only reason for that insane attention to detail. To show off every single damn thing CE2 could do.

Now Crytek actually tried to make a game, and it ended up worse than the tech demo.

Bottom line: C2 should've been a CE3 tech demo.
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Amy Masters
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:02 am

Everyone who said C1 was just a tech demo was right. That's the only reason for that insane attention to detail. To show off every single damn thing CE2 could do.

Now Crytek actually tried to make a game, and it ended up worse than the tech demo.

Bottom line: C2 should've been a CE3 tech demo.

What how is it worse?

It actually has a nice and sensical story line (the old one wasn't bad or anything...just messed up.)

It has a fun multiplayer vs. that old pile of **** 1 and Wars were.

The graphics are better in almost every way. (Especially textures)

People can actually RUN it. Now you don't need a $2000 computer from 2007 to max it in 2007 like you did in Crysis 1. Crysis 2 brings the best graphics on the market to the masses with mid range computers.
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T. tacks Rims
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:45 am

Everyone who said C1 was just a tech demo was right. That's the only reason for that insane attention to detail. To show off every single damn thing CE2 could do.

Now Crytek actually tried to make a game, and it ended up worse than the tech demo.

Bottom line: C2 should've been a CE3 tech demo.

Uhhhh? Have You Somehow beaten Crysis 2 already? You can't say "it ended up worse" unless you've actually played the completed game.
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Roberta Obrien
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:41 am

Crysis 2 is good.
You have to know that Crysis 2 is actually a little bit different than Crysis 1, but it's from the same people and has got some things that are similar to Crysis 1.
The graphics.. nah I don't say they are better.
The game is really optimized, but Crysis 2 hasn't got so much little things like change the UI color, change the Nanosuit Voice, etc.
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Elizabeth Davis
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:08 am

The graphics are better in almost every way. (Especially textures)What are you smoking? Some Crysis 2 textures are horrible!
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:25 am

I think you are wrong...but that just your opinion.

My opinion is that Crysis 2 looks great enough and runs damn great too, which is a winner. Not everyone is willing to spend huge amount of cash just to play on hog resources game.

Oh and the MP is fun as hell and sounds cool too.
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Kayleigh Williams
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:30 am

I cba to list every single corner that was cut to accommodate console players (won't comment on the Wars part, haven't played it), so I'll just point to the fact that it doesn't even have the option to turn Anti-Aliasing off. You can find proof in the threads made by people who got their copies early, courtesy of various retailers.
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Brandon Bernardi
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:23 pm

The graphics are better in almost every way. (Especially textures)What are you smoking? Some Crysis 2 textures are horrible!

What are you smoking? Walk up to a rock in the Crysis 2 campaign and look at it. so much detail, moss, dirt on it, water dripping down, reflecting the sun, etc. Walk up to a rock in Crysis 1. You will see a gray blob with a little black patch on it. Look at the ground/grass in Crysis 1. You will see some 2D looking jagged **** supposed to be grass with a bad looking soil texture. Look at grass in Crysis 2. You will see dense nice looking grass with a nice soil underlay.

Go under water in Crysis 1. You'll see a plain monocolor landscape with a rock or too and a plant every few hundred meters. Head inside the water in Crysis 2. You'll see a detailed rocky floor filled with plants and life. The textures underwater actually show nice real looking rocks all over the place and flowing dirt even even water currents carrying stuff away.

Also to the other guy you can turn AA off. Go in yout nVidia control panel and disable anti-aliasing for Crysis2.exe. You can adjust any setting there. There you have it...advanced graphics settings.
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Emma Pennington
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:42 pm

Way to miss the bloody ****' point, iPwn.

As for Syntax, dude, some textures in C2 may look horrible, but so did some textures in C1. Case in point, the huge-ass rock on the beach where you land.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:46 pm

Way to miss the bloody ****' point, iPwn.

I didn't miss the point. Crysis 2 is a kick ass tech demo but an even better game at the same time. Crysis 1 was a great tech demo but not so great a game at the same time.
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Mrs shelly Sugarplum
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:13 am

If you dislike the game so much... why do you pump hundreds of posts into hating on it? Why are you even here?
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Ricky Meehan
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 7:43 pm

No, you did miss the point. Lacking the in-game option to (at least) turn off AA not only shows lazyness and lack of interest in the platform that made the company, it also proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that the game was designed for the 360. And I'd dispute the claim that C2 is a better tech demo than 1, considering the fact that it lacks the gigantic maps and small details that made the first one great, like player-plant interaction along with progressive tree destruction.

As for tsc0308, you're a cretin. I never said I hate the game.
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Laura-Jayne Lee
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:14 am

As for tsc0308, you're a cretin. I never said I hate the game.

So could you ellaborate on what you do think of it? It is simply beyond me why people such as yourself remain on a forum for a game they annoys them so much.
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Jack Bryan
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:45 pm

Way to miss the bloody ****' point, iPwn.

I didn't miss the point. Crysis 2 is a kick ass tech demo but an even better game at the same time. Crysis 1 was a great tech demo but not so great a game at the same time.

Yeah, I don't think you missed the point iPwn, I think were right on, I went into Crysis 1 SP today just to look back at what the previous Cryengine looked like in game, and you are right, the graphics are good in Crysis 1, but not as good.

PS: Most people who say that Crysis 1 had better graphics, are probably using graphics mods and have forgotten what the original game looked like, it was kind of dull looking without mods or altered configs.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:15 am

As for tsc0308, you're a cretin. I never said I hate the game.

So could you ellaborate on what you do think of it? It is simply beyond me why people such as yourself remain on a forum for a game they annoys them so much.

What I think of it? That it's the new Deus Ex: Invisible War. Fun on its own, unworthy of its predecessor.
Way to make baseless assumptions.
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Nany Smith
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:42 pm

Way to miss the bloody ****' point, iPwn.

As for Syntax, dude, some textures in C2 may look horrible, but so did some textures in C1. Case in point, the huge-ass rock on the beach where you land.True true. Crysis did have some texturing faults but from what I've seen Crysis 2 has some pretty bad ones. I'll judge the game when its running on my own PC right in front of me because some images could have just been set up to look extremely bad.

Edit: @Raptor: Also Crysis looks like puke on low settings but hot damn the C2 demo looked neato!

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Kathryn Medows
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 8:06 am

No, you did miss the point. Lacking the in-game option to (at least) turn off AA not only shows lazyness and lack of interest in the platform that made the company, it also proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that the game was designed for the 360. And I'd dispute the claim that C2 is a better tech demo than 1, considering the fact that it lacks the gigantic maps and small details that made the first one great, like player-plant interaction along with progressive tree destruction.

As for tsc0308, you're a cretin. I never said I hate the game.

What does the platform it is made for have to do with how enjoyable it is?

OVer 90% of PC Games these days are console ports...but does that make them any less fun? Dead Space 2 was a blatant console port, still an awesome game. Black Ops was a console port and a gay game on all platforms. MW2 was a console port and still a nice game on all platforms. Like's not like you're getting in inferior product graphically. Whether it is better by a foot or a mile, Crysis 2 will still look better on PC than XBOX especially when the DX11 patch is out. But overall it is still an awesome game on both platforms. The way you portray it you're saying the PC version is terrible and the XBOX version is amazing. And whether it be a console port or not, this is one of the best console ports so far. Most of the others look bad on consoles and end up looking bad on PC. This pushed current gen consoles to their limit and gave you the most you can get out of console port and even more (dedicated servers, DirectX 11, lean, better graphics.)
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Lisha Boo
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:24 pm

no no ipwn

any console game, you should know by now, is utter crap compared to PC games.

Mass Effect for instance, a game developed from scratch for Xbox360 -then ported on pc- which hybridized RPG and shooter mechanics creating a new control configuration (the power wheel that has thereafter been copied in many MANY other games) while retaining depth, complexity and the signature Bioware awesome story is OBVIOUSLY utter crap because (say it with me) if it had been made for PC it would have been better with richer graphics and so on and so forth.

In other words, for a LOT of people around here if a game is made for a console it MUST be watered down, simplified and all around rendered "less" of what it could have been because it had to appeal to the obviously stupid console crowd who are, by definition, a race of peons who could not understand videoludic entertainment if it bit them in the ass.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:36 am

Edit: @Raptor: Also Crysis looks like puke on low settings but hot damn the C2 demo looked neato!

Yes It Did!!
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Siobhan Thompson
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:20 am

What does the platform it is made for have to do with how enjoyable it is?

OVer 90% of PC Games these days are console ports...but does that make them any less fun? Dead Space 2 was a blatant console port, still an awesome game. Black Ops was a console port and a gay game on all platforms. MW2 was a console port and still a nice game on all platforms. Like's not like you're getting in inferior product graphically. Whether it is better by a foot or a mile, Crysis 2 will still look better on PC than XBOX especially when the DX11 patch is out. But overall it is still an awesome game on both platforms. The way you portray it you're saying the PC version is terrible and the XBOX version is amazing. And whether it be a console port or not, this is one of the best console ports so far. Most of the others look bad on consoles and end up looking bad on PC. This pushed current gen consoles to their limit and gave you the most you can get out of console port and even more (dedicated servers, DirectX 11, lean, better graphics.)

I'm one of the few people who doesn't give a crap that it looks better on the PC than the Xbox. My issue is simply that Crytek stopped caring about us enough to even bother hiding the fact that they've moved a PC-exclusive and made it with the Xbox as its base. The least they could've done would have been to not shrug and go by the principle that we don't need in-game settings, we'll just find ways to hack them in (despite files being now encrypted, unlike in 1).

It's not that ports aren't fun, it's that suddenly changing the focus of a platform-exclusive series and gimping both big things (map sizes) and small things (plants no longer shifting when you pass through them) is a rather dikeish move.
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Kayleigh Mcneil
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:16 am

What does the platform it is made for have to do with how enjoyable it is?

OVer 90% of PC Games these days are console ports...but does that make them any less fun? Dead Space 2 was a blatant console port, still an awesome game. Black Ops was a console port and a gay game on all platforms. MW2 was a console port and still a nice game on all platforms. Like's not like you're getting in inferior product graphically. Whether it is better by a foot or a mile, Crysis 2 will still look better on PC than XBOX especially when the DX11 patch is out. But overall it is still an awesome game on both platforms. The way you portray it you're saying the PC version is terrible and the XBOX version is amazing. And whether it be a console port or not, this is one of the best console ports so far. Most of the others look bad on consoles and end up looking bad on PC. This pushed current gen consoles to their limit and gave you the most you can get out of console port and even more (dedicated servers, DirectX 11, lean, better graphics.)

I'm one of the few people who doesn't give a crap that it looks better on the PC than the Xbox. My issue is simply that Crytek stopped caring about us enough to even bother hiding the fact that they've moved a PC-exclusive and made it with the Xbox as its base. The least they could've done would have been to not shrug and go by the principle that we don't need in-game settings, we'll just find ways to hack them in (despite files being now encrypted, unlike in 1).

It's not that ports aren't fun, it's that suddenly changing the focus of a platform-exclusive series and gimping both big things (map sizes) and small things (plants no longer shifting when you pass through them) is a rather dikeish move.

It isn't necessarily a dikeish move. Maybe they made the XBOX version first and the PC version seperately but could nto finish by EA's March 22 deadline. Crytek is no slouch when it comes to patching stuff. I pretty damn sure there will be a flurry of patches including advanced graphics options, DX11, etc.

By this summer I can almost guaruntee Crysis 2 will be everything you wanted it to be (besides the moving plants).

Another thing, the files are only encrypted in the demo, not the final.
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Matt Bee
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:41 am

Crytek is no slouch when it comes to patching stuff. I pretty damn sure there will be a flurry of patches including advanced graphics options, DX11, etc.They f*cking better patch the game like hell post launch or the disk is turning into a much needed coaster.
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Megan Stabler
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 7:15 pm

Crytek released 5 Patches for Crysis Wars that fixed every issue in the game, they also released a mod development kit and an updated Sandbox editor. (Yeah I think they like patches :)
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Anne marie
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:57 pm

Crytek is no slouch when it comes to patching stuff.

Really? What about the last mission in Crysis 1 that always (ALWAYS!) crashes like fakken hell with DX10 enabled on any old or modern PC till this day even with the latest patch? And at the same time it never crashes in DX9. Did they really patch it? No.
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laila hassan
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:45 pm

Crytek is no slouch when it comes to patching stuff.

Really? What about the last mission in Crysis 1 that always (ALWAYS!) crashes like fakken hell with DX10 enabled on any old or modern PC till this day even with the latest patch? And at the same time it never crashes in DX9. Did they really patch it? No.

I didn't have it crash...
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