Everyone who said C1 was just a tech demo was right. That's the only reason for that insane attention to detail. To show off every single damn thing CE2 could do.
Now Crytek actually tried to make a game, and it ended up worse than the tech demo.
Bottom line: C2 should've been a CE3 tech demo.
What how is it worse?
It actually has a nice and sensical story line (the old one wasn't bad or anything...just messed up.)
It has a fun multiplayer vs. that old pile of **** 1 and Wars were.
The graphics are better in almost every way. (Especially textures)
People can actually RUN it. Now you don't need a $2000 computer from 2007 to max it in 2007 like you did in Crysis 1. Crysis 2 brings the best graphics on the market to the masses with mid range computers.