» Thu May 19, 2011 1:56 am
Lets see this is what ive done so far ive...
I hoped over the castle walls of Bruma and crossed the border (illegally) into Skyrim. Also (illegally) crossed the borders of Valenwood, Hammerfell, Elsweyr, Black Marsh, and Morrowind all by hoping over the city walls.
Am also planning a 3 day weekend by going to the midnight release. My boss is not going to know about it.
havent watched the trailer about 50 times but i have watched it 5 times.
I haunt the forums couple times a week.
I get butterflies in my stomach just thinking about Markarth and Winterhold and Skyrim in general
Ill pre-order Modern Warfare 3, play it for 3 days then quit playing it altogether because of Skyrim.
and thats about it.... :rolleyes: