Still, I'm at Valtheim tower so almost there, and it's only 11.15pm

When you think you're the 10th Divine
When I think of a kill cam move when walking out in the street passing by some obnoxious person.
When I see clouds shaped as Dragons in the sky.
Whenever am walking in the park and I think am in Tamriel.
Whenever I eat take out and I pretend I brought it at a town tavern.
Whenever its time to do the laundry and I wish I could just jump in a river to clean it.
Whenever I see a rat in the street and say thank goodness its not a skeever.
When I some times see cars driving by or something modern and I feel strangely out of place out of time.. frame.
wait... you see Rats on the Street?
are you a European Citizen from 1348?
When I get together with my friends to play a tabletop RPG and end up spending an hour or more talking about Skyrim.
When through these talks one of your friends gets it for the first time.
When you take time off from your Play By E-mail game to spend hours in the Skyrim forums.
When you are awake till 5 AM because of Skyrim ... or is it 6.
When you kow the words to 'Tale of the Tongues' and 'The Dragonborn Comes' by heart.
are you serious? in 26 years I have never seen a Rat on the street...
There was once a deer running around downtown... they actually trapped it in the Legislature... how it got so far into town still boggles me to this day....
You feel like punching someone in the face after drinking a glass of milk.
When you run out of your house wearing fur armour you made from next doors bunny brandishing a claymore and shout never should of come here at the postman.
When you randomly give your life story in a sentence to passers-by.
No. Some times though I'll see a burnt out vehicle by a reservoir deep in the moonlit night and it somewhere else?
No such luck here. This is New York City in park territory.
Not that many rats around. I've actually seen more rabbits and even a huge hawk outside my fire escape a few times. Talk about big claws.
Yes they usually are seen in my area in the early hours of the morning as the sun is rising. In the business districts its usually just after sunset when the work crowd has headed home and there is plenty to munch on. I once saw a rat so big it could hardly move. Scary sight. Definitely Elder Scrolls big.
when you see a dead body and want to loot them
see a crate and want to search it
stat tying to shout at people hear a sound and try and draw your weapon
When you start dreaming of the lusty argonian maid.
When you make a username in the Dragon language.
When you can't sleep cause all you hear is a certain whiterun dead man walking say the same damn thing he's the only black guy I feel like dressing in a white robe an hood an burning him alive just to bring him back an do it again.
I'm always trying to get everything done at work a.s.a.p. so I can get home and slay some dragons and Thalmor. Skyrim alone is what motivates me to be as productive as possible.
I deleted a level 80, 400+ hour character a couple of months ago and have started an all-new character who I will max out as well. No matter how many hours that I put into this game, I just can't get away, and I can't get the game out of my thoughts.
When you sing music to yourself constantly at work.
When you start working out to TES OSTs.
When you start talking to your co-workers in dragon language (he likes to speak in Portuguese to [censored] with me, so I respond back in Thu'um)
When you replace "God" with "gods" wherever appropriate.