These are real life situations which have actually happened to me

I went to a fair and I looked around at the crowd and wondered where the argonians and khajiit were because I could only see humans.. then I was like oh.. wait XD
I was in a french exam and wrote a paragraph in french, I then read it, realised it was all wrong and looked around on my desk for the quick load button.
I picked up a bunch of flowers and got seriously confused because I didn't hear the little *snick* sound.
I walk down the street and look at cars number plates which have these letters on the end and immediately think of what the letters stand for:
TGM (toggle god mod cheat)
NPC (None playable character)
TM (toggle menus cheat)
TFC (toggle free camera cheat)
I have made a few films using oblivion so I have those cheats ingrained into my head.
My dad is a motor biker and goes on these biking holidays, one of them took him over the apls and I really hoped he wouldn't have to deal with any cliff racers.
I could finish the sentence in the OP in so many ways but I'll just post these ebcause they actually happened to me