When, upon driving through the countryside and seeing a patch of mushrooms/flowers/et cetera growing upon the side of the road, you hit the brakes without thinking because OHMAGAW YOU HAVE TO HARVEST THOSE.
When you look at yourself in the mirror and find yourself wondering what combination of sliders were used to make your face.
...Yes, I am guilty of both these things. >.>
you sir have made my day. for some reason that made me Lol WAAAAAY to hard xD
when you see a mine and go in with a sword drawn asking yourself "Necromancers, goblins, bandits or vampires?"
Scared the piss out of the vampire kids around here (Half the high school thinks theyre twilight vampires. *Throws up in a nearby bucket*) when I appeared from behind them, trashcan lid in one hand, giant sword in the other (Yes I own a longsword.) yelling "I MUST KILL YOU FOR ALCHEMICAL PURPOSES!"