I know right! I could care less about the weapons strewn around, but man I get excited about finding another globe.
You try to slip an apple into your boss's pants...
I saw a stack of duct tape the other day and got all excited before I caught myself. Sigh.
...you want your dog to carry your groceries.
........when you start doing things like this in the Workshop.
You see VATS outlines and stat boxes over their limbs in real life.
you look at every item in terms of the scrap you can get out of it.
When you look at people and wonder what they have in their inventory.
You crouch down in real life and expect people to not be able to see you.
...you see someone walk by with a really sweet hat, so you tap them on the shoulder and tell them that you "just want to trade a few things." And expect them to hand it over.
Last night I dreamed that I was supposed to make a gun out of a pressure cooker and a piece of rope. But I couldn't figure out how to do it, and then I realized it was because I was missing the duct tape. Suddenly a feral ghoul rushed at me and I didn't have any real weapons, so I hit his legs with the pressure cooker until he fell over. And then I woke up and realized I'd just had my first Fallout 4 dream.
True story.
OMG you all crack me up!!!
You thinking of starting a "you know you played too much FO 4 if..." topic and see this and think, OMG I thought about that last week!
I was visiting a friend in Texas over Thanksgiving and when we drove up to her house, I saw a pile of tires on the side of the road and just pointed at it and said RUBBER!
She looked at me with that "say what?" expression, so I had to explain the whole Fallout 4 junk/modding/settlement system to her LOL
.....you start pacing around your house, aimlessly and without reason...like an NPC
When I call my wife Cait instead of her real name
I haven't had a video game spill into my dreams for a long time but I had a dream that I was scrapping stuff around my home to fix it up.
... when you pick up a half used pencil and think "just need 7 more to finish my floor."
I've dreamt in VATS a couple of times lately.
I had a dream the other night that I was in Sanctuary, just standing there, overwhelmed by all the crap I have to get rid of..
I spend A LOT of time in Sanctuary...man..
Trying to shoot people or just doing every day normal things? Peeing in VATS would be interesting...you have a 90% chance for center toilet and 20 for the rim
When you set Steam to offline mode so it won't track your playtime and your friends won't be able to see how many hours you've sunk into the game.