when you walk up to someone and can only thing of 1 of four things to say..
When you play other bethesda games again and have a hard time not picking up all the junk over the weapons and armor.
She made me my favourite dinner, and I was tempted to give her the SAFE test.
When you immediately think "Quicksave" so you can redo a conversation if you need to '~'
Looking at items and thinking what you could break them done as.
Try to fast-travel to work, but gets disappointed when google maps don't support that feature yet.
.. when you try to unload all your shopping bags in your dog but it just run without taking them...
Just a week ago, I was incredibly tired after a long day of working and decided to walk inside my bedroom. As I was opening my door to get inside, my tired mind for a few seconds actually made me think I had to wait for a loading screen before I could get into bed.
Great posts you guys!!! This brightened up my morning!
When you spend most of your workday at the Fallout 4 forum instead of actually working, because the
Fallout 4 threw me into a Beth game frenzy of sorts. I am now finding myself playing back through Morrowind, Skyrim, and Fallout New Vegas. I would play Daggerfall but I can not get it work to properly.....
When you start having Fallout dreams (again).
When you go to a friends house and pick it clean of absolutely everything that's not nailed down.
I know. Yesterday she left the cap off the toothpaste and immediately I thought. "My God, she's a Synth!".
I stuck a couple of my daughter's bobby pins in my wallet. Just in case. You never know.
You go to a Saturday yard sale and think you've found the mother-lode.
... you start calling your real wife Piper and insist we go to bed for exactly 1 hour.
You start trying to pickpocket people in real life