» Thu Nov 19, 2009 10:51 am
when you finish the game iwith exceedingly good karma hoping good things will happen to you only to realise off the net how cool being evil can be, and start a game being vicious................
massacre megaton plunder it then blow it up and aim towards being the scourge of humanity only to start wondering how being neutral would be( very very guilty)
when you start worrying about the warning in the ps3 manual that says take a 15 min break for your eyes after every hour.(guilty)
when you wake up in the morning to feel 'well rested'.
when you try to hack into computers by playing tedious word games
when you carry 'bobby pins' with you "just in case"
when you open the 'pip boy' in the middle of a violent firefight to calmly consider various weapon options, gourge on large amounts of raw meat of various animals, casually apply a few stimpacks, repair a few things, ingest a few drugs, and then close the pip boy retrun to the rain of bullets lasers clubs and pulses....
when you go out of your way to register and join a fallout forum to read and write to people who truly understand how gr8 this game truly is.