"You know, if you were serving you'd be halfway to gener

Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 10:04 pm

When the game first came out, I, like many, were slightly annoyed that you couldn't officially join the NCR/Legion - through I understand why you can't, it'd be a lot of work and the game is fine as is. But the question is this; if you could join up with the NCR or Legion in an official capacity, instead of the Golden Branch or your face on a coin, what rank would you like your Courier to achieve following his actions?

One question for NCR Couriers, one for Legion Couriers. Not applicable to Independent/House Couriers.

Rangers are a separate branch, so I put them at the bottom - to signify the different branch, not indicate that they are lower in rank.

Personally, my main NCR Courier would be more drawn to the Rangers - I think he'd make a good Veteran Ranger, with the black armour. He wouldn't want to be the Chief - too much admin. If the army called, I'd want to make at least Major rank.

My evil Caesar's Legion character would probably make Decanus, the higher ranks are probably a bit too close-knit to allow such a relative newcomer in.

What about your character?
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 7:14 pm

When the game first came out, I, like many, were slightly annoyed that you couldn't officially join the NCR/Legion - through I understand why you can't, it'd be a lot of work and the game is fine as is. But the question is this; if you could join up with the NCR or Legion in an official capacity, instead of the Golden Branch or your face on a coin, what rank would you like your Courier to achieve following his actions?

One question for NCR Couriers, one for Legion Couriers. Not applicable to Independent/House Couriers.

Rangers are a separate branch, so I put them at the bottom - to signify the different branch, not indicate that they are lower in rank.

Personally, my main NCR Courier would be more drawn to the Rangers - I think he'd make a good Veteran Ranger, with the black armour. He wouldn't want to be the Chief - too much admin. If the army called, I'd want to make at least Major rank.

My evil Caesar's Legion character would probably make Decanus, the higher ranks are probably a bit too close-knit to allow such a relative newcomer in.

What about your character?

I vote Ranger because my guy is a cowboy YEE HAW!

You should make a 'none' option for both polls
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 9:51 am

I would be an NCR private as I just joined their army so I start as private

I would be a Legion Recruit as I just joined the Legion so I start as a recruit.

I made these choices as they are practical for a beginner in any army.
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 11:08 am

You should make a 'none' option for both polls

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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 4:51 pm

I always like to RP that my Legion Courier is a frumentari in training

playing the angles, always furthering Legion goals even if it means completing quests the NCR would call "in their favor"

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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 3:33 pm

I picked Sargent as that was my rank in the army
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 9:25 pm

There are a lot of veteran rangers, I think some people are feeling a little high and mighty about themselves.
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 11:42 am

Being able to challenge Lanius shortly before Hoover Dam would fun, even though it wouldn't really make sense. On NCR I think ranger would make sense. You already operate outside the NCR and it would give you an official capacity while allowing you to largely retain freedom from the chain of command.
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 7:01 pm

My character had intelligence of 10, charisma of 6, luck of 6, speech 100, barter 100, and the "educated perk". Add to the fact I basically did every NCR quest and I would of been the next President after Kimball. That would of been an amazing ending and the one that should of happened. In any case Kimball's term was almost up and I could probably steal enough glory...[censored] Courier for President baby.
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 7:33 am

You can officially become a Paladin of the Brotherhood of Steel, I don't see why the NCR can't declare you an official Ranger, or the Legion to honor you as a Frumentarii. None of this "You're an honorary member!" bull [censored]. I'M TIRED OF BEING AN HONORARY! I'VE DONE MORE IN MY SHORT TIME IN 2281 THEN YOUR BEST RANGER IN 3 YEARS!!
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 6:32 pm

For my NCR Courier I'd be a Vet Ranger. I've done everything you asked NCR AND I killed [censored] Caesar, Lanius, Motor-Runner, The ENTIRE Brotherhood ( I decision that pained me deeply), and 100's of Legionnaires! I also recruited the Khans and the Boomers! Plus my Courier more for the ass kicking than diplomacy.

Legion Courier it'd be Centurion: Battle-hardened and a [censored] to kill.
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