In many of the soruces on Skyrim they say that in this game you level up faster compared to OB. Their reasoning is that they want you to get perks at a decent rate. I get that, but the probelm is in OB you leveled up really fast. I once went into a dungeon in OB when I was level 20 and came of of the dungeon with two level ups, and I wasn't using any grinding and didn't have any easy to level major skills like athletics and acrobatics. To top it all off the dungeon was just a normal dungeon. OB was supposed to be a level 1-25 game, but you can get to level 25 in only 5-7 hours of gameplay. Maybe they can make the first couple levels faster, but levels 40-50 should actually take some time to do.
I'm guessing you didn't read the article in GI that explained leveling in Skyrim? I'll explain it in case you haven't.
Okay, when you level skills, your "exp" bar goes up. However, the lower the level of your skill you level, the less it gives to the overall level bar, the higher the level of the skill, the more it gives. This makes it where if you specialize in a few things you will level faster as you go along but if you spread out you will level slower and most likely cripple yourself depending on how thin you spread it as you level. Now, when they say "Level faster", leveling faster is required because now the "level cap" (the level the game is intended for you to stop at but of course you can go farther if you so wish) is double what it was in Oblivion. In Skyrim, you are going to be leveling your skills as you go along instead of like it was in Morrowind and Oblivion where people would just sit around and grind skills (I'm sure some people will still grind skills in Skyrim but it seems like it isn't needed).
Chances are overall that leveling to the "level cap" is going to take longer than in Oblivion. Really what made the 5-7 hours in Oblivion was that people would pick things that would level passively so they could get free levels quickly. You didn't get max level in 5-7 hours without rushing it. The fast leveling issue was also in Morrowind. In Oblivion, it got to the point where people just didn't level at all and became gods because of picking major skills they would never use.
So basically, I think leveling in Skyrim will be slower than in Morrowind and Oblivion, mainly because we know that the main quest alone is 20-30 hours of gameplay. Then we have 170-180 hours in the rest of the game, I highly doubt you will be level 50 in just a few hours.