37 and having an absolute blast so far.
37 and having an absolute blast so far.
its ok not great, really doesnt feel like a fallout game to me
im enjoying it for what it is but yeah its just not a "fallout" title very much more like skyrim with guns
edit: oh i didnt vote as there's no "its ok" kinda option
I love the main plot but am a little disiponted in the the graphics i have it on ultra and it realy is not what i would expect from a game that took as long as it did to come out skyrim seamed better. Also the main quest line seams a little short wish it was longer mabe more fractions you need to ally with or more missons sorry but New Vegas seamed to have more. Also the side quest seam to be just clear an area of the enemy or get an object wish there was more story. And the romance and relation ship system just svcks seams useless it is realy killing the imersion I think they could have done better. I do like the settler sysem but it take so long just to build take for ever just to line up a wall. I do like the open boston atmospehr but all the towns seam very small like "dimond city" and "Good Neibour". They are realy going to have to kill it with the DLC to make this the best out of the fallout series.
I love how the categories end at 31+. After that you're dead, I guess!
I'm 37 btw and do find it increasingly difficult to find, not to mention justify, the time needed to do this game right. This will be hundreds of hours ultimately, but it will take me years.
I just thought I should point out that the average gaming age is around 37. That's not saying that most people that game are 37 necessarily. I mean a statistical average from studies that have been conducted. It seems rather ironic, because there are still people out there that believe and propagate the myth that most gamers are kids. But the truth is there are actually far more gamers over the age of 30, than under it.
I am 44 and I like the game - quite challenging in some areas. I have been playing computer games since the 80's including several turn based RPGs. I don't agree with every design decision in the game (ie who boarded up the houses and buildings) but I am still enjoying Fallout 4.
I'm 44. (My God, it just hit me, I'm 44. ).
The only reason I bought a PS4 was to play Fallout 4. I love it but I have to agree with other people, this doesn't quite feel like a Fallout game.
Oh how I wish they would give the PS4 treatment to Fallout 3, New Vegas, and all their add-on's. I'd just keep playing them over and over till I die and I'd be ok with that. Replaying those games is like visiting an old friend and I just don't see me taking a shine to Fallout 4 that way. I suppose I should give it more time, I'm only 80 or so hours in to it and I've mainly been trying to build up settlements and haven't really be doing many quests except to help out The Minutemen.
I've been playing PC games since Monster Bash, Commander Keen, etc. etc.. Loved those side scrolling games. Still do actually. Fallout 3 was the first RPG I played. And I don't really quite consider that a true RPG based on how I remember them from back in the day.
I don't have the imagination for the pen and paper games but a friend of mine was in to them big time. He was really in to Star Fleet Battles and I just wanted to grab him by the throat and pop his eyeballs out of his head every time he would go on a spiel about how his imaginary star destoyer was involved in an imaginary Romulan Cluster or imaginary Tholian Web. LOL.
Yeah, whatever. I did go to the trouble of reading the whole thing, and saw nothing of consequence.
If you want an idiotic storyline play MCS V:TPP. There are a lot of things that make no sense in games - getting enough cloth to cover a mattress out of 2 packets of cigarettes was the most obvious in FO 4. Its a game, it has mechanics and gives you things to do for fun. If you aren't having fun then don't play it, and don't expect other people to care why you have a problem with it.
SFB had about 1,600 pages of rules when I gave up due to lack of players. It's a religious experience more than a game.
You could accomplish this 10x easier in F3, and Intense Training only had 10 ranks. The fact that they make you start with less SPECIAL points actually makes it more balanced.
Getting every single perk in the game would require an excessively unrealistic amount of hours in this game. With exploits.
Don't worry. You can be SPECIAL. Just don't raise all of your attributes to 10. Don't take all of the perks. That way you can be different from all those other guys who maxed out their characters.
That happened with Far Cry. I was so dissappointed that they did away with Trigens and all that creepy stuff. I don't see how they could even continue to call it Far Cry when they kept making new games. It wasn't the same game at all at that point from what I remember.
I'm wondering how many of the people who DON'T like it...
are playing on console versus PC.
34 here and this game is awesome. The world atmosphere and look is amazing. The action is wicked and the weapons seem pretty cool. The only minor beef I have is the main protagonist's voice in dialogue. his tones are off a lot, and should have more feeling involved with certain options. Just seems to lack emotion or conviction in their words. Outside of that, this game is beautiful though. Love traveling the highways.
I think that people who have paid good money for a game have a right to express their feelings. This is the official board for the company that made the game. One can only hope that Bethesda reads the complaints and takes them into consideration when they make the next game.
That said, I fail to understand why a few extremely disgruntled people continue to post on forums for years on end. To me they seem like ghosts who cannot leave a haunted house. In my opinion, there comes a time when it is more mentally healthy to move on with one's life.
At this stage its probably the other way around. FO 4 on PC feels a lot like MGS V:TPP on PC because of the hard coded keys that you can't split functions on.
The game is great, i'm really enjoying it, it doesn't mean i don't think it has flaws here and there, but it's the best game i've played in a long while and i'm over 31.
31+, I like the game. Acquired taste. It's a good game for what it is, will get hundreds of hours out of it like I did with Skyrim, and I can enjoy it despite a few disappointments I have regarding its design.
the "i don't like it as a fallout game" slogan is getting old, its like we should get the violins out